Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Infection Spreads! and some bad news..

So my boyfriend came over today and we spent the whole day together. It was great! We spent hours doing two things: playing with a dog and playing Magic. Also, we were not alone. *insert*dramatic*music*here* Oh yes, my boyfriend has spread his Magic Infection to my younger brother, who happens to be a bit of a nerd as it is.
I have familiarised myself with my deck, and I have become quite comfortable with the game now. If I continue at this rate, I think that I might be comfortable actually participating in the Magic Night that my boyfriend invited me to. I'm still not sure if I should go or not yet, though..Magic kinda seems more like his "GuyTime" thing, you know? I would feel really bad about intruding on his GuyTime. Oh well, I have a few more days to figure it out.

I have some pretty bad news. I think I lost my permit. Yeah I know, you're all probably wondering why I haven't actually gone in to get my lisence yet. Well, even though I am 18, my parents wanted me to have some behind the wheel experience with a trianed profesional before I get my lisence and they want me to have behind the wheel experience with them before I go to the professional and they wouldn't let me do that unless I got my permit. Nasty circle, I know :/ but I went with it and I got my permit. Now I can't find it. The good news is, however, I don't need a permit in order to take my behind the wheel test for the DMV! Also, the behind the wheel with a proffesional doesn't require that I have a permit either! "What's the big deal, then?" you may be wondering, well let me tell you. My parents are phyco and don't want me to do anything until I can locate my permit papers. Great, right? Not really, I have to find those papers because my parents have been more crazy than ever lately! I know, I know, most parents are crazy. My mother is Asian!!! She will kill me in my sleep and my father will take the fall for it! I just know it! Okay so that is an  exageration, but still..I just gotta find those papers!

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