Sunday, November 18, 2012

Boyfriend Hangout and Hello ^-^

HI!!! It's been forever!! I know, lazy blogger haha I'm hanging out with my boyfriend right now. He seems kind of tired though, not that I blame him..we went to church this morning, very, very early...but it was fun!
I'm trying to get him to help me make this post thingy, but he isn't sure what to say XD OH!!! He reminded me we went for a bike ride, it was fun, I biked circles around him while he walked. Then, I tried to get him to ride on the handle bars..we almost died. He told me I failed and then had me get on the handle bars so that he could bike me around. We went about half a mile, which was fun ^-^ I'm convinced he was trying to kill me though..he likes to bike very fast and I was trying my best NOT to fall to my death.

Thanksgiving is on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (the punctuation was my boyfriends input lol) and I will post more about my plans later, even if you guys don't want to hear about it. In the next month or so I will talk about the holidays, my family celebrates Christmas, and New Years and all of that jazz. I am really not a holidays person, so those posts will be short to say the least.
My boyfriend is very excited because he has this week off of school, no early mornings or annoying teachers or loud obnoxious kids, best of all, no bus for him. Yes, he is excited to say the least haha

Okay, that's all for now, I might post again later. I'm off to play some Guitar Hero with my boyfriend. LATES!!!!

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