Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I wouldn't call myself a socially important person. I wouldn't say thaat I am famous in any way shape or form, either. I am just a girl, currently sitting down at the table that her family gahers around every evening for dinner. Typing at a laptop, which is plugged into the wall behind me, and drinking a cup of hot chocolate with half a package of Starbucks coffee added into it; I'm not doing anything very unusual. There is a scented candle lit, the flame is flickering and its reflection is dancing in the glass. I can hear the fireplace working, birds chirping in the orange tree just outside the dinning area window. Windows. I should open up the blinds and let in a little natural light.
There, much better. I opened up al of the blinds and now the room is lit up with a natural glow. I love the sunlight, the feel of it on my skin.
Throught the window I can see our orange tree. It shouldn't be able to produce any fruit, since it is so closely placed near the house, it hardly has any room to grow, either, yet every year that tree gives us more oranges than we can possibly eat. The leaves are a dark green, but the fruit has yet to turn orange, despite is almost being December. We haven't had any really cold weather, which seems to be the reason the fruit turns orange. At the moment, they are half yellow and half green; my Aunt tried one and said they were like lemons. I suppose I could try to make some lemonade with the oranges, but I have different plans for my afternoon. Orange lemonade will have to wait until another day.

It is a little past 10 this morning, and I haven't done anything but shower and boil water, so I best get going. I'll post again another time. So long, everyone!

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