Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Longer Than Anticipated Update XD

Hey everyone, just popping back in realy fast to fill you all in on my very boring life so far! Okay, so my last post was a long time ago, probably before Halloween, my favorite holiday, and some thingshave happened since then. First of all, I got to spend Halloween with my bestie, and I took the train there (a half hour or so train ride) and it was really very exciting because I have never been on a train before and I got to go on a train so, yeah, fun stuff. Also, my bestie and I made our very own costumes! It was so much fun, I went as Poison Ivy from Batman and my bestie went as Black Cat from Spiderman. It was so much fun, we were in costume all day and we went to her college, and then to a movie! Oh yeah, we saw Hotel Transyllvenia (SPELLCHECK!!!) and it has to be one of my all time favorite animated movies so far!! :D I would totally pay to see it again and just might force my boyfriend to come with me to see it if it ever hits the three dollar theater here in my town, it could be a date night!

Uhmm...there is a lot more that I want to tell you guys, my brain is just so scattered right now that I'm not sure where to begin, GAH!!! Stupid brain, get organized! Lol okay, I am still looking for a job and I still have no educational plans as of right now which is bad because my parents (mostly my dad) are starting to actively consider kicking me out of the house. I've made plans for a place to stay, but I really want to get a job. Honestly, if they agree to pay for my college, I have no problem with them kicking me out and saying "find your own way to provide living expenses cause you can't stay here" because college is now more expensive than a cheap temp apartment and assorted living expenses. Despite what they think, I can actually survive off of very little. I have planned out what I would or would not take with me if I moved out, what I would need and what I just want and as for my clothes, most of them can be donated since half of my closet goes unworn anyway. All of my old toys can be donated or thrown away, and the same goes for my jewelry. The only thing I am worried about it my college. I really want to attend this online school that I found, it fits into the budget daddy gave me for schools, but he says that I can't go because it is too expensive. He says that I have to find another school that is half the original price that he gave me, so I will be out of school even longer than I originally planned. Frustrating. If he is paying for it though, I guess I really shouldn't be complaining.

What else..I am still unemployed, which sucks because I sit at home and rot. It is horrible and I hate it. I am just about ready to say "Forget this! Fast food here I come!" but the neasuea really keeps me from doing that. Have I told you guys about that yet? When I spend too much time in a fast food place, I start to feel sick because of the meat smell. Sad isn't it? Yeah.

I...uh, well I need a new phone, which isn't surprising haha I am slowly gaining weight, which is good. I want to start really working out and getting a little bit of tone on my tummy. Plus, I kinda want to start exploring a little kick boxing. Is that weird for me to say? Hahaha it's so true though, I want to be super flexible and learn kick boxing and have a toned tummy. Saying this like four days before Thanksgiving seems kind of weird but hey, maybe if I do start working out more I won't gain fat from all those yummy carbs ^-^ muscle weighs more than fat and I need to gain weight.

I saw an owl on my drive home today. I live in the country, and I was like two minuets from my house when I turned onto a street and before I even had the car strightened out onto the road, this little white and brown barn owl glided across the road and it was so beautiful..ah, just super amazing, made my night.
So on that lovely though, I am gonna get some sleep. OH! I have been haveing really bad nightmares lately too, so I tied a ribbon around my wrist, I can't remember where I heard it, but it is suppose to help. It has so far, which is good.
Okay, comment!! And Night!! :D

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