Wednesday, November 21, 2012

BabyBlue Update & My Day

Okay, so my truck is still in the shop. That 300 dollar fix didn't work >.> now they are running more tests to see if they can figure out what the source of the problem is. They fixed part of it, but not all of it. They took it for a test drive and it still isn't idling right. I just really want my baby back. I miss driving my truck.

So I took my little brother to a highscool so he could play tennis today, right? Well we got into my dads very large very touchy Suburban thingy and we drove off. I missed the turn without realizing it and turned a 20 minuet drive into a 40 minuet drive complete with a U-Turn where I almost didn't make it and an angry man yelling at me from his little car. Needless to say I threatened to run him over.
After we arrived at the school, we had to drive around it three or four times before finding the small road the leads to where the tennis courts are located. I drove down the road and turned into a little parking lot that turned out to be for teachers and mployees only. I got out of there and turned into another little parking area that ended up being only for buses. So I left that one too and found a parking lot that I could finally park in. So I parked, right? And we went to go play some tennis. After about an hour or so, we go back to the Sub and my brother goes "Why is the window rolled down?" and I come to realize he had rolled down his window at some point in the drive and never told me. Since I don't check all the windows before getting out of a vehicle, it never got rolled back up. Great. So we do a quick check to make sure nothing is missing. Everything was (thankfully) accounted for. It was a long drive back, which included a much needed stop at Starbucks.

I don't know if you all know this, but when I get upset or irritated or anything like that, just get me a Peppermint White CHocolate Mocha Hot from Starbucks and everything turns into happiness and rainbows for me, I swear, that drink is like my drug or something. Needless to say I sat in the car and drank it and just had a total moment. My brother was looking at me like I was some crazy lady, it was just heaven lol

So, yeah, that was pretty much my day. Shout out to my bestie, we haven't talked much, I know, you must be irritated as hell with me for it, but I haven't really been texting anyone lately. Shout out to my boyfriend, you're amazing, thanks for putting up with my bull. I love you both.

That's about it, tomorrow I will post about all of my Thanksgiving plans, all of the preperation that is going into it and what is going on. I'd love to hear what you all do for the holidays and what your favorite part of this season is. Night everyone! Talk to you all later!! :D

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