Monday, November 26, 2012


So, I never gave a Thanksgiving post, did I? Oops XD

Thanksgiving is a very interesting holiday with my family. I have two Thanksgivings. I have one Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day, and then one the next day. This year My mothers side of the family all came to my house for Thanksgiving Day lunch. I have three uncles on my mothers side, but one of them couldn't make it since he lives in Florida and he actually has a very busy life. My younger brother and I are convinced that he is a spy, my parents both disagree with us though. We had ham, which I couldn't eat, and a bunch of little side dishes. My vegitarian sister got a job at K-Mart and she works every day for seasonal so she couldn't take the 9 hour drive here. I was so sad that I couldn't snack with her.
Friday, we packed up and took my boyfriend to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving with my dads side of the family. It was alright, but at the end my grandmother brought out a huge amount of her things and said "Take what you want and the rest is being donated." and we tried to tell her that she should wait until we have room for everything and that we shouldn't be taking her things, but my grandmother is a very stubborn lady. She brought out 5 boxes of things, and by the time she got through guilting us into taking stuff, she had 2 boxes left. Now I have a ton of stuff for when I move out, and no where to put it.
That's pretty much how Thanksgiving is for me. My Uncles on my mothers side like to tease me, my grandmother on my fathers side likes to give her stuff away to us every time she sees us. This was the first holiday that my boyfriend has spent with my dads side of the family, he looked a little overwhelmed with it all at first, he told me there were a lot of people there. He seemed fine by the end of it though. that it's all over, I am redoing my room (yes, again). I am really liking how it is turning out so far. I have a bunch of stuff that needs to be donated, or at least taken out of my room, but other than that, it is almost finished. I am really exxcited about it, too, my desk is all cleared off and I placed the sewing machine and right now there is just the issue of my dresser being in a slightly awkward spot. It's not a bad place for my dresser, it's just that I don't know if I like how it looks. I think I might move it to where my mirror and small bookshelf are. I'm not sure how that would look though, I kind of want to keep my dresser next to my bed....oh well, I'll figure something out, right? Right.
Okay, well I am gonna go now, clear off my bed and take a little nap haha bye!!

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