Monday, November 19, 2012

My Baby!!!

Okay, so as some of you may know, I drive an amazing blue '92 Chevy Pickup. Now this truck has been in my family for years and years and years and years and when my sisters first got their liscenses they drove it, all through highschool. Both of them. Now I get to drive it and we are all in love with it, the truck is our baby. Never gonna replace the baby, can't ever get rid of it. Right? You all understand that, the love of your first wheels haha

Well a while ago, we took my baby in for its yearly smog test thing, and we got some horrible news that BabyBlue (which is what I call the truck) didn't pass smog. Well, okay so we take it back in and have them fix whatever is wrong so that it can pass. 1500 dollars give or take, right? Okay, no problem we'll just pay and come back in a year. Well, we get my baby all fixed up and then I drive it around a bit and noticed that it's having trouble idling. That's not good, right? So I tell me dad, he says "Well, you should get that taken care of, it didn't do it before so you probably messed it up. Hope it doesn't die on you." So I ask what to do if it does die. He says "turn the key" >.> great, thanks dad, realy helpful. So I go to pick up my boyfriend from school and I'm driving the truck and I'm stopped at a light and my baby keeps lurching forward and I am freaking out and then the engine died on me. Right as the light turned green. Great, right? So I move it to park and turn the key, shift into drive and get moving. It died twice, at least on the way to his school, and then once on the way back! So I get back home that night and tell my father about this, he tells me that he'll go with me to take it in for the problem. We took my baby in for that problem today, at 8 in the morning I might add, and it is going to cost another 300 bucks. This is going to be a temporary fix, by the way, last a few months or so. Getting something more permenant will cost about 1000, which is more than we are willing to spend at the moment. With any luck BabyBlue will be ready tomorrow and I can drive happily again. Been driving my moms little silver 1st Generation Prius around and let me tell you, a Prius does NOT go VROOM like my baby does. It has a little spunk if you try to take off fast from a light or something, but not much. I'll just be glad to have my baby back, that's all.

So..yeah, just wanted to share that with everyone. I'll try to post more on here, I'm still hunting for a job, so until then I think I should really be a good blogger since I'm not doing much else.

Taking my brother to a nearby school so he can play a little tennis, we'll see how that goes. He is excited, I'm not quite as thrilled. I really just want to drive BabyBlue again haha

I think that's all, there is a group of Cyotes (I think I spelled that wrong) outside my window, they're howling and it's so cute haha
Uhmm..the family is all coming in this week for Thanksgiving, my poor mother is stressing out because the house is a mess and her children are slobs. Uh, my room needs to be cleaned. My back is kind of sore, I could really go for a massage right now. When my oldest sister gets here I think I'll have her give me a massage.

That's really just about all, I'm gonna go to bed soon hopefully if Facebook doesn't completely suck me in right now. Otherwise, good night!!

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