Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fair, Updates, Reminder!!!

So yesterday I went to the fair with my family, it was so much fun!!! There is a lot to see and do at the fair, so many people and animals, so much going on! I had a blast, my poor boyfriend, on the other hand, went on a ride that didn't quite agree with him and he ended up getting really sick. Thankfully he didn't throw up on me though ^-^ for this we give thanks hahaha

So, I have decided to reapply to Dicks Sporting Goods. Isn't that exciting? My parents went into the store and talked to a few of the employees, it seems that most of them had to apply twice before they even got an interview. Why are companies so mean like that? I don't understand.

Also! I have the most amazing news!!! I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with AWANA, it is a Christian organization that is basically a youth group for younger kids. I was just informed that I can voulunteer at my churchs AWANA program and help out with the Sparks!! The Sparks are the 1st-6th graders. There is a younger group called the Cubbies, and then an older group of High School and Junior Highers and they don't really have a name, they're just kinda there, helping out and they don't exactly meet or anything.....anyways! But I spent two years helping out with the Sparks a few years ago and I loved it. The kids were so great and they would run up to you and when you had to go they would get so sad and it really is just this great connection, I enjoyed it so much. I can't remember why I stopped, but I've missed helping out ever since. I am so excited to be part of this again, and this time I can stay the whole time, and help with games and stories and just spend the whole night with my kids. I am super excited, I start next Wednesday, and yeah hahaha yeah, I am stoked, can you tell???

Okay, well that is basically everything, I think. I am sure I have more to say, but I guess I'll just think of it later and make another post/blog thingy about it for you peoples to read as you please. I really want to start posting on here at least once a week, my goal is to post every day, but that isn't going to happen, I already know it. Two or three days in a row max but if I can post every day for a week I think I sould get a reward.

Oh!! I have to take my little brother to the Card shop, I think I will take him next Monday, but I feel like I have something going on that day. I would take him today but I am busy. I would take him tomorrow but there is a tournament going on. I would take him on Saturday but we have to do yard work and then it will be Magic Night. I would take him Sunday but I have plans. I will take him Monday unless something comes up. Remind me, Monday is Card Shop day with the little brother!! Got it.

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