Sunday, October 14, 2012


Ever have a day where you just feel like everything is going to come tumbling to the ground? Most people call those bad days. I have a lot of them. This isn't what my post is about though. I can deal with bad days, I have them so often that bad days are more like normal days so I guess it could be argued that I don't actually have bad days, only good days and normal days. Right?

Well, I am here to talk about balance. Not the balance missing from my check book, or the balance needed to be steady on a beam in the Olympics, no..I am talking about inner balance, the peace that comes with being centered internally, emotionally, mentally, etc.
For the past month my balance has been very off. I didn't notice much at first, but now I am realising just how off center I really am. When I am off balance I get worse headaches, random pains, memory flash backs, nightmares, I forget more, zone out more, I become more tired and fatigued, easily winded and worse of all......I come off as indifferent about everything, and must work 10X as hard to show how I really feel about things going on around me. I don't generally geet like this for extended periods of time, perhaps a day or two at most. Now that I think aout it, I have been off balance for this entire month, and probably for part of last month as well.
Normally I just wait it out, but this, you guys, this time it is bad, almost like a depression or something. I just have no energy and I feel sad al the time, but I'm not depressed! I can't stress this enough, I'm not depressed, balance. I must sound like I am in denial to you people, but I'm not!!

Also, I discovered that I am a milkaholic. Yes, that's right, I am addicted to milk. I have drank gallons of the stuff this past week and I just felt like sharing that little bit of information haha

Okay, I'm bored now so Ima lay down and curl up in my bed and be happy now, k? Okay! :D Night y'all!!!

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