Saturday, October 6, 2012


Have you ever noticed how much people change?

Likes and personalities, everything changes. It is just a way of life, but I never liked change. Change is scary, it often is. Something as small as a hair cut can be a scary change to make. If you have known me for a long time you will know I am like one big giant little bundle of contradictions. I love being in water, but I HATE swimming. I love winter, but I hate being cold. I hate summer and wish I could wear shorts all year long. I love adventure, but hate change.adventure is taking a journey which indicates changes. I am adaptable, I have this great skill that allows me to easily adapt to whatever enviornment I am placed in. That is how I know that I will always be okay.
That is not, however, the reason for this post. I was on Facebook (surprise, surprise) and I found a girl that attended my elementary school, but I was shocked to see how much her life had changeed since we last saw each other. I went around facebook like a creeper looking for other kids from my elementary school and I saw just how much they had all changed. The boy who asked my out in front of the bathrooms is now gay, the dumb cheerleader who almost failed her 6th grade year graduated at the top of her class, the small boy who stood next to me in chior is now very tall and has a voice as big and beautiful as any, the boy who snuck to my house so we could hang out has now been in 3 movies and counting, the fat girl lost a lot of weight and is now model skinny, the punk asian girl is married and has a baby. So much has changed, I can't believe all that has happened, it just makes me wonder how have I changed since then? If they have all changed, I must have as well. Anyway, I just thought that I would share that with you guys. It was just something that crossed my mind.

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