Thursday, October 11, 2012

Confusion and Rants

Hey y' let's talk religion. I'm not going to say "Hey! Bible Bible Bible Jesus Jesus God Hell Bible!!!" I'm talking more about how much emotion religions can stir up. There is so much conflict and confusion going on in the world, and has anyone else ever noticed that so much of it is reliion based? It is rediculous! I am very uncertian about my beliefs, so I am reading the Bible, little bits at a time and so far it hasn't been too hateful. The bad thing is, I talk to my boyfriend about it and he is Christian and he is scared to death that I will end up in Hell and he won't have me anymore. I don't want to leave him and I am now scared that by me not being entirely sure about my own religious beliefs I may be effecting his. The whole mess is confusing and emotionally draining, not to mention spiritually draining. I read Psalms1 today and it talked a lot about how believers shouldn't sit wiht nonbelievers and I am beginning to understand why..we rub off on each other. My doubts are starting to become his doubts and it scares me to think that people so easily change. I know I have changed over the years, my cousins have changed my brothers have changed, my friends have changed..people change. I get that.

More confusion is college applications and that whole freakin process. I am trying to apply to The California Art Institute-Los Angeles, right? I have been trying to apply there for about a week or so now, still haven't finished the process. I have a great person helping me through it, it is just that we are moving at such a slow pace and part of that is my fault and part of that is her or my parents or just the computer. But I had to write and essay, no big deal. I had to print out and sign like 6 or 7 documents, not too bad, scan them, send them back. It is setting up the appointments and finding a date and tie that works for all of us..then filling out the actual application itself ("may take an hour to complete" my @ss!!!! took me almost 2 hours!!) which was filled with complex language and asked me for certian information 5 or 6 times, why did I have to type in my street adress 4 times? I don't understand..

Another thing! Jobs. Why does the job hunt take so long? Been looking for a few months now and still not even an interview. Sucks!! I am 18 years old and I can work basically any hours I am given! I just want $8/hour. Not asking for anything special here, just whatever I can take..

Last, but not least. Weather. WHY IS IT SO COLD!!!!??!!!! I am sitting in my room in sweats, knee high socks, long sleeve shirt, thick jacket, and still shivvering. Not okay, man!

That's about it, just wanted to rant a little. Lates Y'all, Post again soon!! :D

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