Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year and New Classes

Hey everyone, long time no post right? Well I'm fixing our little communication problem right now. I hope you all had a great New Year, everyone was safe and didn't do anything illegal, right? Haha no worries, I won't tell anyone if you did, your secrete is safe with me ^-^ So, did any of you make any resolutions for the new year? I know I did! I have decided that this year, 2014, I will do whatever makes me happy. I figure that is a small step towards living a better life, just trying to find little things that make me happy and letting them happen, enjoying the moment, taking a few seconds to stop and say "yes, I am alive and this life can be good if I let it be." you know? Yeah, so I figured that would be a good resolution :) A lot of my friends are saying that they will lose weight, eat less, eat right, smile more, save money, work harder, get straight A's, join a gym, find a boyfriend, or other things like that. I figure just doing what makes me happy will result in these things. I think it's a good resolution and I'm going to try and stick to it! I am determined haha

Anyway, So I am all registered for my classes, and honestly, I decided to take the easiest math class I could find, along with two history classes and a religions class. This semester is shaping out to be a ton of fun, I'm a full time student and the only day that will suck is Monday because I'll be at school for 12 hours! Ew! But I'll figure something out haha, no point in wasting gas just to go home between classes when I'll only get to be there for an hour before I have to leave again. I can just nap in the truck or something XD ah the life of a broke college student, I'm so going to steal food from everyone haha I can't wait for this semester to start, I'm seriously excited. Okay, I have things to do so I'm gonna go.
Have a great day everyone! Be safe and make new friends!
^-^ Bye

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