Friday, January 3, 2014

Daily Blogging

Hey everyone, so I've decided that I want to start daily blogging. *scream*of*terror* Yeah yeah yeah I know, "Daily blogging? Girl you crazy." Well, I just figured that since I can never think of just one or two things to put into this blog so it flows fairly nicely, I might as well start doing this daily. It could very well turn into a journal that you all hate or even a diary that everyone reads, but I guess that with the new year, since I am doing what makes me happy, I might as well give it a try haha try new things, you guys and maybe you'll find something you love to do ^-^

Okay, so since I decided to start daily blogging, today is as good a night as any to begin.

I woke up this morning in a guys bed. No. Not my boyfriends bed. I woke up in another guys bed.
Okay! It's out there. I swear, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds!!! I stayed the night with one of my guy friends because I was way too tired to drive home, honestly, I was kinda scared I would crash lol and that would be no good. So I stayed at his house. His parents didn't know I was staying the night. I guess I was kind of snuck in and snuck out, which was a weird feeling. I spent the day today with him and one of my other female friends. There is a weird little trio forming between the three of us and I honestly don't like the way it is turning out. People are beginning to feel things they shouldn't and do things they shouldn't and we are all beginning to get more physical than we should. I don't know.. it's just not okay with me the way we are turning out. So now I am sitting here at 6:20pm, eating my dinner of leftover rice and veggies while watching The Holiday thinking everything over. On top of all that, I have another job offer that I need to think over and I still need to talk to my boyfriend about our relationship........yeah, oh well. I guess now I should sit here and enjoy my movie :)

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