Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Last Night....Crazy.

Hey everyone!!! Sorry for not posting last night, but things got kind of crazy hahahaha

So my friend stayed the night with me and I don't like to blog while I have people over because this isn't really something that I can do very quickly lol So my guy friend who was supposed to get his tattoo didn't get to get it :/ again. The artist is having a ton of problems and she ended up with a huge migraine after she was ready to start inking him up so she is cutting his price in half and he'll be going in on Thursday to get it (hopefully this time it actually happens haha).
Anyway, back to my friend. So she stayed the night at my place last night and we were up all night and it was like 11:30 or so and we wanted to smoke but had only one left so we decided to walk to the gas station that is like two miles from my house (the closest gas station). Well we started walking and by the time we got there it was like 12:30 or something and the station was closed, which really is just our luck. So we sat there for a while just talking and hanging out, it was great until we realized that we had to walk all the way back without any cigs D:
So I called my boyfriend and had him come get us, well we managed to convince him (really, it was more of "hey can you take us to get cigs?" "sure, do you have money and an id?" "yes" "let's go!") to find a 24/7 place that sold cigs and we got lucky and the first one we went to was open. Just his luck lol
The guy was super nice and he discounted the coffee and soda to a dollar for us ^-^ plus we got cigs and we stood outide talking to him until like 2 in the morning!
Needless to say it was a ton of fun :)
My friend and I got a ride back to my place so we didn't have to walk, which was really nice of my boyfriend, and she and I were up until like 5 in the morning just talking and messing around like girls do hahaha
She didn't sleep at all, though she doesn't really sleep anyway, I think I may have gotten like two or three hours? Yeah, my night was great ^-^

Have a good day everyone
Stay awesome
Keep Beautiful

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