Sunday, January 5, 2014

Two New Bras!!!!! :D

Hey guys, yeah so far this is day three of my daily blogging experience and blog number two. really, this isn't looking very good for me haha but oh well, I'm having fun still and I am still just going about my day doing what makes me happy.
Kind of.

Saturday was a normal enough day, I took my brother to Magic Night and it was great until one of the guys told me that my ex refused to stay and play Magic because I was there. That kind of got me riled up because when we broke up he told me that I had to keep coming to Magic Night because I was basically "one of the guys" and that he didn't want to lose a Magic Buddy. That was actually the main reason I have been going, I want to still be his friend and I want to still do things with him like hang out and play Magic (which he introduced me to, by the way), but I guess that was hoping for too much. So I decided that I will take a break from Saturday night magic, I'll still drop off my little brother, but I am not staying. When I got back to the house last night, I was so pissed off about it that I seriously locked myself in my room and just worked out until like 4 in the morning. My boyfriend said that I sounded like a guy because I kept telling him that I was working out. I seriouslsy did like six hours of working out and stretching and drinking water and working out some more and then more stretching. I was dripping sweat when I finished and I woke up at 7 in the morning on the floor, that's when I moved to my bed haha

That brings me to Sunday.
Victoria Secret Semi Annual Sale.
I got two bras ^-^ and I am so happy about it, but really sad that I didn't get to go with my bestie :(
I saw her today, by the way, she looked super adorable. And then she had her troublesome boyfriend along with her and he looked like he always does, happy with her. She is happy with him though so I was glad he was there. Honestly, the fact that she has someone who makes her happy is so amazing, if he ever hurt her I would kill him because she is basically my world.
Also, I told my mother about my open relationship. She was really less than pleased and repeatedly called my a hussy. Yeah, thanks a lot mom haha

Yeah, that is the gist of how my days have gone, Tomorrow I am taking my brother to The Shop (Collectors Paradise) and hopefully it will be fun ^-^
Anyways, I'm gonna work out again tonight since it was actually a lot of fun last night, maybe I'll make this a routine....maybe XD
Bye everyone!!!

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