Monday, January 6, 2014

Body Tattoo

Hey everyone! So I have been thinking all day about tattoos, and yes, I do eventually want to have my upper half covered with tattoos. I want to have the left and back of my neck, my entire back, both of my sides, and my stomach to be inked. Honestly, it will probably never happen, but I love the idea hahaha The only problem is that I have a needle issue lol so I guess as soon as I get over that, I'll be getting inked up XD
I've always loved tattoos, ever since I was a little girl. The idea of having something on you for the rest of your life has always been so amazing to me, and I would see people with tats all up their arms and my first thought was always to talk to them and ask about their ink. My conservative and very religious parents on the other hand would never think that. My entire family is really very anti tattoo, it's rather irritating. So just the fact that they are fairly okay with my going with one of my friends to get his first tattoo, is seriously a miracle. Honestly.
I do have a few thoughts about tattoos though, I mean, they will be there pretty much for the rest of your life. You should probably get something that you won't regret. Basic right? Make sure everything is spelled correctly. Also, basic. I mean, this is on your body permanently. It would be a bit embarrassing to have something misspelled on your body, knowing it is there for the rest of your life. It would SUCK. And it drives me crazy when people are all like "Yeah, this one is "I love you" in French!" and the Tattoo says "J'adore" or something. No. Just no. If you get something in another language, please triple check the spelling and triple check that the words actually mean what you think they do. Lastly, if you get a tattoo, please get something that is meaningful to you. Yeah, it  is awesome to have an epic looking tattoo, but I think it is so much better to have something that means the world to you. Yeah, get a giant dragon covering your back, but please, have a really great reason for it. I had a friend who let the tattoo artist pick the design for his first tattoo because he just wanted a tattoo. He got a giant green four leaf clover with a banner saying "Lucky Ink" or something like that on it. So please. If you get a tattoo, know what you want, make sure everything is correct and make it meaningful.
Okay, that's all. I love you guys!
Have a great night!

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