Monday, December 16, 2013

Photo Final and Christmas Terror

Hey guys so yeah, here is the late post that I promised last week haha
so my Photo class ended with me getting a C :/ sucks because I got a B on my final and I guess I had a lower grade than was posted or something so........whatever, the class is over and done, I don't care anymore I'm just happy my first semester is done with. However, I'm also really sad because I won't be able to see all of my new college friends for a whole month D: major sadface, right? It's really depressing, I know I'm sad about this. And plus now that I'm working I'll have like zero time to do anything, especially since I have a boyfriend who always wants to take me out (not that I'm complaining haha) it's just nice to think that I actually am starting to get my life together. It's kind of a nice feeling.
Now let's see how long it lasts XD
I just say that because it seems that every time my life feels like it is coming together, something happens to screw it all up again. That's just the way my life goes, every single time :( but whatever, I've learned to live with it.

So, in other news, the Christmas decorating is going alright. We put up the lights, though there are two large sections where the lights are out so it looks tacky and poorly done. I also put up the tree and decorated it with the new boyfriends help ^-^ that was fun, though he ditched me for work about half way through decorating. Loser lol
We agreed that trees shouldn't be decorated with those ornaments, there should be small gifts and such on the tree instead like there used to be in the olden days. And candy ^-^ lots of candy and happiness on the tree, not trash and paper and awkward looks glass spheres. I guess that's just my own little thoughts. Whatever though, to each their own I guess. How do you guys celebrate the holidays? I'd be perfectly fine going without Christmas, I don't like the whole gifts idea. I don't really care for surprises though. The thought of holding a package that could be housing just about ANYTHING terrifies me. I mean, yeah I know, most people won't be placing a jar filled with black widows under the tree for me to open, but then again, one can never be too sure. I mean, piss off the wrong person and a jar full of eight legged freaks could be waiting for you.
Just some food for thought haha
Have a good week and visit the blog again sometime.
Riku signing off ^-^

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