Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Post!!! (better late than never)

Hey everyone! I know, I didn't make a post on Thursday, I'm so sorry!!! Things came up and I ended up collapsed on my bed fast asleep. I Was going to tell you all about my family traditions, but I guess that wouldn't be such a great idea since we're a pretty boring family. Sucks to be you though cause I'll tell you any ways ^-^

So I have two Thanksgivings. One with my dads side of the family, where we eat a ton of food and spend our time pretending to be normal. We generally all go to my Aunts house for a Thanksgiving lunch. I have three cousins that I know who are on my dads side. I don't really get along with any of them any more, so I spent Thanksgiving lunch the same way I have been for the past two years: sitting with my oldest sister and eating all of the vegetarian/gluten free food we can find. I used to be really close with the one female cousin, but we've grown apart over the years and I'm not sure how to help us grow back together :/ I guess it starts with just telling her about my life, right? That won't be too bad, will it??

Anyway, so then I also have a separate Thanksgiving with my mothers side of the family. I don't have any cousins on this side of the family, and my brother and I are convinced that her siblings are all way cooler than they let on. That's a story for another time though, another time and another place I guess haha

Yeah, so I have two Thanksgivings every year. It's nice if you just want to eat food all day and do nothing but eat. For me it was kinda depressing because I only got to see one sister and my family was a bit less than pleasant this year. All in all, the good outweighed the bad and my holiday was better than most.

Signing out now, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots of food without getting too ill afterwards. Have a great day!

I don't remember if I ever informed you all, but my boyfriend of two years and I broke up.... Did I not inform you all? Oh well, maybe I'll explain in a later post haha

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