Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bad News: Mold. Good News: Peppermint!!!!!!!!!

Hey Blog Readers!! :D How have you all been? Me, well, I've been great. I know I missed the last post (sorry) but now I'm back and you don't have to worry about it anymore. First of all, you all need an update! So I finally got my schedule for my next semester of classes for college, full time student if I can get into that communications class! Also, my boyfriend and I broke up, it happened some time ago and we're going to attempt to stay friends, hopefully we can do it! Next, I got an A on my Photo Midterm Paper!!!!

Okay, now that everyone is all caught up, let me discuss what I wanted to. I have mold growing in my closet because there is a leak in the laundry room, which is located right next to my room. We had a contractor come and look at it, and he said that it didn't look very bad, most likely just a little surface mold that could be taken care of with a 50/50 mix of bleach and water. He is coming back next week sometime to open up the wall and double check that everything really is okay and fix whatever isn't. Thank god.
The bad news is that I have to keep my bedroom door open. Constantly. If any of you have spent any time with me at all, you'll know that I close doors, always. I hate to be in a room with the door open. I don't care what is going on, I have to close the door. Having the door to my room open is driving me up the wall, seriously you guys, I'm going crazy. Insane. Mad!!!

Yeah....on the other hand, I have some great news. PEPPERMINT. Winter is here everyone and with that comes Peppermint, the greatest thing in the world. You can bet I've already eaten more than my fair share of Candy Canes and drank more than enough Peppermint Hot Chocolate. I am in love with Peppermint. Give me any minty drink and all is forgiven. You could quite possibly kill my family and then apologize with candy canes and peppermint drinks and I'd forgive all. . . . Okay that's a bit extreme, but you get the picture haha

Anyway, I know this was short, but I have a ton to do so I can't write too much. Next week is Thanksgiving and I'll be sure to post! Until then, be safe and be happy. Bye all!

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