Monday, December 3, 2012

It's Finally Happened

Well you guys, it has finally happened. Yes, just a few days ago my father looked at me and told me that I have to get a job or move out. Honestly, I have been expecting this and thought he would have done it a bit sooner, but I suppose that now is as good a time as any. He yelled quite a bit and then told me get out of his sight so that he could cool down. About ten minues later he knocked on my door and told me to go to my boyfriends house so that mom wouldn't have to cook two dinners. I don't have a problem with skipping dinner, I've been known to do it before, but I guess he just wanted me gone for a bit. So I went to my boyfriends house, his family loves me. I have to talk to his parents about maybe me living there until summer, once the school year ends, I have plans to move in with one of my friends mom. I don't really want to intrude on her sooner than I have to, so I'm woorking on not getting kicked out too soon and really doing overtime trying to get a job. I have to talk to my parents and see if they will pay for my college if I do move out, but seeing as I have been threatened already, I'm not so sure it will happen. My dad seems dead set against any online schooling for me, which really sucks because the school I am looking at is either online or move to San Fran. We don't have the money to ship me off to San Fran right now, and since they don't provide housing, it would cost twice as much for me to go there. Let's just say that I am very glad my father is out of state right now, otherwise I swear I just might go insane. I know, I know, I am a total Daddy's Girl, but that doesn't mean that my father doesn't irritate me past my limits every day. He is difficult to get along with because everything is "My way or get the hell out of my house" and I am "My way or leave me the hell alone". Yeah, needless to say we butt heads A LOT. He says I sit in my room and do nothing, he says that because I stay in my room all day and come out only for food and to use the bathroom, not like he doesn't lock himself in his little office on the opposite side of the house. For all I know he could have been fired and and he locks himself in the office so none of us know he was fired! Not like we really see him working -.- just saying..Anyway..all I am trying to say is that he has no idea what I am doing in my room, so he shouldn't be saying that I'm not trying to get a job or that I sleep until 1 in the afternoon because I am trying to get a job and I get up every day at 9 in the morning and I don't come out until 1 beccause that is when I eat lunch. I stay in my room so I don't disturb him because he is suppose to be working from 6 to 3 every day.
. . .
Anyway, yeah, so I am on the verge of being kicked out of the house and I am going to need a placce to crash. I have been going through my things, trying to figure out what I am going to donate and what I have to keep and absolutly could not part with. It's difficult since I have so many memories with all of my things. Okay, just wanted to update you guys, try and keep you informed..Uhmmm what else..OH! We put up the Christmas lights, and the tree, I have candy canes and it is finally December. Thank god. I just want this year to be over XD Okay, well.....bye!!!

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