Monday, December 24, 2012

Hotel? Public Wifi? Wow..

Hey everyone!
Yesterday was my boyfriends birthday (day before yesterday..the 22nd lol) and so he turned 18 and we went to the casino!! It was a lot of fun, other than the whole "Throw away your money!!" thing XD

Anyway haha so yesterday yesterday was Christmas for my dads side and we drew names and I got to meet my cousins girlfriend. Hw asked her to formal with candles and everything, it was really cute. She's this tiny little  thing and so shy and timid and she turns Bright red so easily, it makes me laught lol

I'm in a hotel room right now, it's really weird cause normally I don't use public wifi but I really wanted to lete you guys know that I'm in Sacremento right now for Christmas with my moms side and my entire family will be here and it is super exciting!!! :D

That's about t haha, I'll post more when I get back home!

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