Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guys Just Don't Get It.

Okay so since I still don't have ajob I enrolled in the local community college. It isn't really something that I am looking forward to, but it is really better than nothing, right? Maybe they'll be able to help me get a job, I mean, that would really be great!

Everyone in my family is hurting right now. My moms frozen shoulder is acting up again, she can't lift her arm up and she can't do the dishes (our dish washer is broken and since the other two living in the house are also currently unavaliable for manuall labor I gett to do it) becauseher hands are so messed up.
My dad has a lot of muscular promblems in his left arm which has now become all but completely useless. He has constant pain in his entire left side and just tousching it seems to hurt him.
My baby brotheris getting ill, he is coughing and sneezing all over the place and he is spreading all his germs everywhere and it is digusting. My mom is about ready to banish him to his room.
I started my period today so I am super irritated by every little thing and I'm cramping and it hurts like a bitch! If you're a guy, don't you DARE say "oh, i understand" or "so?" or anything other than "Here, would you like this peppermint bark? can I get you a grande peppermint white chocolate mocha from Starbucks?" because you do oNOT understand what I am going through!! This is my time of the month and I will NOT be messed with! Do you understand !!?!!
. . .
Whoa, I had a total moment there haha anyways..uhmm..I think I'm going to go grab my coat and slip on some uggs and head off for some starbucks...I'm having a craving lol . . . yeah..

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