Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holidays Tea! Sleepy Spaz Random Post XD

Hey you guys.. I'm feeling sad right now. A year ago, I lost a very dear friend. I posted about him a while ago, I just feel like it wasn't right that he should be taken away so soon. I don't know, maybe I have just lost too many people. The holidays always make me sad, you know? It's just, the two people that I love the most love Christmas and this time of year so much and then here I am just here all like "Why does it have to be so freakin cold, dude?" you know? I never really like Christmas, it was just never my cup of tea.

( ^ That was saved in a draft last night because it was like 5 in the morning and I was falling asleep XD Everything below this is from today and no, I am no longer sad hahaha )

Speaking of tea, I have been in just a tea mood that I can hardly keep the water boiled long enough to satisfy my cravings. I heard about a mint tea from a very old friend of mine, she and I were fast friends in kindergarten, that will tell you just how long our friendship has lasted, and she said that this mint tea was her absolute favorite. I am really excited to try it, the problem is I have to buy it and that costs money so it could be a while hahah

I am so tired, I was up until almost five this morning vidchatting with one of my guy friends. He isn't really a guy that my boyfriend approves of, but he is a dear friend of mine so my boyfriend has to deal with it. Anyway, so we were talking and I realized just how much we both have changed over the 5 or 6 six years that we have been friends. He isn't nearly as spazzy and although I wouldn't say he is the most mature guy I know, he has matured a lot over the years. He told me that I am a lot more open with people now, not so huddled up in a corner with a knife saying "Get away from me you freak alien things!" (which is more of my interpretation of what he said and not a direct quote). It really does amazing me how much a person can change in so little time. Really, quite amazing.

Anyway, other than all of that..yes I am still without a job, I applied for a substitute preschool aid in my school district, still waiting to hear back from that. I am waiting on  few places to call me back still, and...yeah. I am not yet enrolled in any kind of schooling at the moment. Uhmm...in all of that, I really haven't changed. I guess I will see you guys, well, not see you, but you'll be reading more later haha have a great day everyone!

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