Sunday, December 9, 2012


This is my make up post for having not posted about yesterday when I should have...uh, which would be yesterday, but it's now tomorrow, which is today so...whatever, 12:07 AM on Sunday XD


Friday!! I woke up at 9 in the morning and scrambled to get ready to meet up with an old friend of mine at the mall. This friend is very into the whole demon thing, not sure how else to put it, and he has had a number of experiences which relate to ghosts or spirits or other worldly activity, so I guess from now on I will just refer to him as Demon. Sound good? Great.
Okay, so I had to meet Demon at the mall by 10AM, so I was super happy to arrive just 15 minuets after the appointed time because as you all are well aware, I run on my own time schedule. ANyway, so I got there, walk into the mall and I see this guy who looks just like one of my exs (now, I have quite a few ex boyfriends, but this one is not exactly a guy I want to see. Ever.) so I duck into the shoe place, walk to the back and text Demon telling him that I am aat the mall. Of course, he says that he is in the arcade, which is where the ex look alike is. So after a few minuets of BS about pretty shoes, I walk out and there is Demon with my ex look alike, talking and having fun. Upon closer inspection, I find out it really isn't my ex, but the whole time I was super awkward because he looks and acts SO much like this ex that it was kind of creepy. So he hung out with us until about 12 because he was meeting a friend. We didn't really do much, just kind of walked in and out of shops, got some candy, and walked. A lot.
After Demons friend left, we walked to Target which is right next to the mall. In the middle of shopping for my sister, Demon asks if we can head back to his place so he can take care of a few chores that he needs to get done before his mom gets home. I agree, not like I really have much to do. So he calls his mom, tells her he and I will be there in an hour to do the chores, I pay for my things, and we start walking to Johnny Quick where I give him 5 bucks to buy some cigs (I quit, but he really needed a smoke, or five, because he was so irritable that I was about to punch him and the fact that he was shaking was starting to bother me) then we start walking to his house. And walking. And walking for an hour to his house. After we get there, he turns on Papa Roach and we start getting all the Christmas boxes out of his garage. Now, I know that some people are really into Christmas, but this was just ridiculous. There were like 7 or 8 big boxes of just Christmas stuff, and they were heavy. After we finally finished moving the boxes, we spent a few minuets trying to hook up his garage door opener. Didn't take too long, so we were quickly on our way back to the mall. Another hour of walking.
This is where things get very normal between him and I. On the way back, he had to stop and lean against a pole, grabbing at his side and acting like he was all fine, even though he looked like he was in pain. After we get to the mall, we sit on a bench and I force him to tell me what is wrong with him. He explains that some people believe that the full moon is like a portal, and every full moon, there is this Thing that goes straight to his house and whenever he brings a loved one over, It follows his loved one back to their house and hurts them until they leave him. The full moon was a few days ago and I was the first loved one he had brought over to his house since then and that he was afraid this Thing would make me leave him too. I told his that it couldn't be any worse than what I have already delt with in my life, but the look he gave me made me stop for a moment and pause.
Well, after that, we spent another hour or so together until we hopped into my car and I drove him home (didn't want to make him walk again) and then I went back to my place. We spent about seven hours together.
Did I ever happen to mention that neither my boyfriend nor my bestie like Demon? I can't help that I have a bit of a soft spot for him though, I mean..we went through a lot together, and I think of him as a girl friend, not a guy friend. I am so comfortable around him, like, I could take him into Victoria's Secret (now my poor boyfriend is going to think I'm showing him my bras, great) and it wouldn't be awkward or anything. I complained to him about guys when I was single and when I was with my ex, I bitched to Demon about him because Demon didn't really seem to mind and he actually listened. We were going to give dating a try, but he got with another girl and so I got with another guy. Guy broke up with me, I got with another guy and we never really seemed to be single at the same time. Looking back on it, I'm glad we never dated, it would have ruined the friendship that we have now and I wouldn't be with my boyfriend. I mean, Demon is a great guy and he really is sweet to me, but I can kind of understand why most guys seem to really hate him.
Oh well, I guess we're going to just live and learn.
My Friday was great, I had a lot of fun. I found out I could bike to Demons house if I need to rant to him or something. I love talking to my bestie and my boyfriend, but sometimes I need to talk to someone who isn't them..I hope they can understand that. I know Demon isn't their first choice for me to be around, but he is one of the closest people to me, absolutly in my top 5 closest people. They'll have to learn to respect and understand that. I've known him since 8th grade, and he accepted me when I hated everybody. In 8th grade, it was seriously just me and my bestie at church (we had just barely become friends over a ruined relationship) and then Demon and I at school. That was it. I had just switched schools, and I was this little emo punnk goth kid who hated everything. How they stuck by me, I have no clue, but I'm glad they did.

Yeah, got a little off topic at the end, but you all get the point haha
Anyway, I have church in the morning. Night!

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