Thursday, December 6, 2012


Hey everyone, so I am really excited about my mac n cheese hahaha the water is boiled and the pasta is in! Oh my god, why am I so excited about mac n cheese? I don't know haha but I am!!

Anyways, so today has been very..educational. Is that the word I am looking for? Probably not, hold on, it'll come to me.....okay maybe not haha
Well, my mama found this bell yesterday and since then I have been wearing it around me neck like a cat. Not really cure why, but I like the sound it makes when I move. Anyway, I had to make a quick run to Vons so I could get the milk for my mac n cheese, right? So I drove to Vons, parked (better than normal) and walked into the store. I got a few looks from the guy putting away the shopping carts, but I ignored it and went straight for the milk. On my way there, there was this really old guy staring at me and it made me super uncomfortable, I seriously felt like he was going to jummp me or something! So I kinda walked quickly past him, and then I got my milk and went to the Express Lane for check out. It was really crowded. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood and then there was me, standing there with my gallon of milk, smiling and playing with my little bell. I felt so out of place, you guys, it was insane. Anywho, so I bought my milk and left. It started to rain! Just a little bit, but hey, rain is rain and I love it haha
Yeah, so that was my pointless story, just giving you all a little peak into my day to day life. It's really boring, huh? Yeah, I know, sadface..
^-^ I have a bell ^-^
Mac N Cheese is ready! Bye!!!

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