Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not Sure What To Call This...Revolution?

I'm feeling very sad. Today has been long and tomorrow will be long and Friday will be long, this whole week is just slowly crawling by, taking its sweet time.

I want to change how my life has turned out. I've make some choices in my life that I shouldn't have. I did some things and hurt some people and now I have to live with the effects. For every actions there is a reaction. I understand that. Now. When something really bad happens to me, I don't generally react to it well. I bottle everything up, and then wait for that last straw so I can explode. I'm sitting here, fighting back tears, exhausted and just basically shaking because I can feel myself about to burst.
I hate crying. I hate it. The end.
I hate being angry and pissed off for no reason.
I hate myself for getting so frustrated over the littlest things.
I am just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and no one knows when it will happen, or what will set it off; only that when I do burst it will be sudden and ugly and effect everyone around me. It's happened before and it will happen again.

I have changed my life drastically, and I am not the only person who is well aware that I am on the verge of a relapse. The thought of it is hanging in the air like a poison. Temptation is all around me, closer than before. Within reach.
I have been told on multiple occasions that I focus too much on the past. I know I do, and so do the people who know me best. My past is..bad... it's also not going away. Ever. That doesn't mean that I have to dwell on it 24/7 like I have been doing lately. If I tried, I could probably forget all about it and live my life to the fullest, but I don't.
I need to.
I am going to start right now.
I am going to live my life and not waste a moment. Tomorrow I am going to go out with a friend, go to the mall, go into every store, talk to people. I am not going to think about my past or let it bother me. I know that it made me into who I am, but it will not control me any longer! I hope.. It's about time I face up and stop acting like I had the worst life and that I am a badass because of it. I'm not. I am deathly afraid of living, and that fear needs to be tossed out. I'm going to go live my life. Stop being locked up indoors, stop wasting away in front of a computer, stop making up these stupid excuses, I want to live! I'm going to get up early tomorrow and rain or shine, I'm going outside!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I wouldn't call myself a socially important person. I wouldn't say thaat I am famous in any way shape or form, either. I am just a girl, currently sitting down at the table that her family gahers around every evening for dinner. Typing at a laptop, which is plugged into the wall behind me, and drinking a cup of hot chocolate with half a package of Starbucks coffee added into it; I'm not doing anything very unusual. There is a scented candle lit, the flame is flickering and its reflection is dancing in the glass. I can hear the fireplace working, birds chirping in the orange tree just outside the dinning area window. Windows. I should open up the blinds and let in a little natural light.
There, much better. I opened up al of the blinds and now the room is lit up with a natural glow. I love the sunlight, the feel of it on my skin.
Throught the window I can see our orange tree. It shouldn't be able to produce any fruit, since it is so closely placed near the house, it hardly has any room to grow, either, yet every year that tree gives us more oranges than we can possibly eat. The leaves are a dark green, but the fruit has yet to turn orange, despite is almost being December. We haven't had any really cold weather, which seems to be the reason the fruit turns orange. At the moment, they are half yellow and half green; my Aunt tried one and said they were like lemons. I suppose I could try to make some lemonade with the oranges, but I have different plans for my afternoon. Orange lemonade will have to wait until another day.

It is a little past 10 this morning, and I haven't done anything but shower and boil water, so I best get going. I'll post again another time. So long, everyone!

Monday, November 26, 2012


So, I never gave a Thanksgiving post, did I? Oops XD

Thanksgiving is a very interesting holiday with my family. I have two Thanksgivings. I have one Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day, and then one the next day. This year My mothers side of the family all came to my house for Thanksgiving Day lunch. I have three uncles on my mothers side, but one of them couldn't make it since he lives in Florida and he actually has a very busy life. My younger brother and I are convinced that he is a spy, my parents both disagree with us though. We had ham, which I couldn't eat, and a bunch of little side dishes. My vegitarian sister got a job at K-Mart and she works every day for seasonal so she couldn't take the 9 hour drive here. I was so sad that I couldn't snack with her.
Friday, we packed up and took my boyfriend to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving with my dads side of the family. It was alright, but at the end my grandmother brought out a huge amount of her things and said "Take what you want and the rest is being donated." and we tried to tell her that she should wait until we have room for everything and that we shouldn't be taking her things, but my grandmother is a very stubborn lady. She brought out 5 boxes of things, and by the time she got through guilting us into taking stuff, she had 2 boxes left. Now I have a ton of stuff for when I move out, and no where to put it.
That's pretty much how Thanksgiving is for me. My Uncles on my mothers side like to tease me, my grandmother on my fathers side likes to give her stuff away to us every time she sees us. This was the first holiday that my boyfriend has spent with my dads side of the family, he looked a little overwhelmed with it all at first, he told me there were a lot of people there. He seemed fine by the end of it though. that it's all over, I am redoing my room (yes, again). I am really liking how it is turning out so far. I have a bunch of stuff that needs to be donated, or at least taken out of my room, but other than that, it is almost finished. I am really exxcited about it, too, my desk is all cleared off and I placed the sewing machine and right now there is just the issue of my dresser being in a slightly awkward spot. It's not a bad place for my dresser, it's just that I don't know if I like how it looks. I think I might move it to where my mirror and small bookshelf are. I'm not sure how that would look though, I kind of want to keep my dresser next to my bed....oh well, I'll figure something out, right? Right.
Okay, well I am gonna go now, clear off my bed and take a little nap haha bye!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

BabyBlue Update & My Day

Okay, so my truck is still in the shop. That 300 dollar fix didn't work >.> now they are running more tests to see if they can figure out what the source of the problem is. They fixed part of it, but not all of it. They took it for a test drive and it still isn't idling right. I just really want my baby back. I miss driving my truck.

So I took my little brother to a highscool so he could play tennis today, right? Well we got into my dads very large very touchy Suburban thingy and we drove off. I missed the turn without realizing it and turned a 20 minuet drive into a 40 minuet drive complete with a U-Turn where I almost didn't make it and an angry man yelling at me from his little car. Needless to say I threatened to run him over.
After we arrived at the school, we had to drive around it three or four times before finding the small road the leads to where the tennis courts are located. I drove down the road and turned into a little parking lot that turned out to be for teachers and mployees only. I got out of there and turned into another little parking area that ended up being only for buses. So I left that one too and found a parking lot that I could finally park in. So I parked, right? And we went to go play some tennis. After about an hour or so, we go back to the Sub and my brother goes "Why is the window rolled down?" and I come to realize he had rolled down his window at some point in the drive and never told me. Since I don't check all the windows before getting out of a vehicle, it never got rolled back up. Great. So we do a quick check to make sure nothing is missing. Everything was (thankfully) accounted for. It was a long drive back, which included a much needed stop at Starbucks.

I don't know if you all know this, but when I get upset or irritated or anything like that, just get me a Peppermint White CHocolate Mocha Hot from Starbucks and everything turns into happiness and rainbows for me, I swear, that drink is like my drug or something. Needless to say I sat in the car and drank it and just had a total moment. My brother was looking at me like I was some crazy lady, it was just heaven lol

So, yeah, that was pretty much my day. Shout out to my bestie, we haven't talked much, I know, you must be irritated as hell with me for it, but I haven't really been texting anyone lately. Shout out to my boyfriend, you're amazing, thanks for putting up with my bull. I love you both.

That's about it, tomorrow I will post about all of my Thanksgiving plans, all of the preperation that is going into it and what is going on. I'd love to hear what you all do for the holidays and what your favorite part of this season is. Night everyone! Talk to you all later!! :D

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Baby!!!

Okay, so as some of you may know, I drive an amazing blue '92 Chevy Pickup. Now this truck has been in my family for years and years and years and years and when my sisters first got their liscenses they drove it, all through highschool. Both of them. Now I get to drive it and we are all in love with it, the truck is our baby. Never gonna replace the baby, can't ever get rid of it. Right? You all understand that, the love of your first wheels haha

Well a while ago, we took my baby in for its yearly smog test thing, and we got some horrible news that BabyBlue (which is what I call the truck) didn't pass smog. Well, okay so we take it back in and have them fix whatever is wrong so that it can pass. 1500 dollars give or take, right? Okay, no problem we'll just pay and come back in a year. Well, we get my baby all fixed up and then I drive it around a bit and noticed that it's having trouble idling. That's not good, right? So I tell me dad, he says "Well, you should get that taken care of, it didn't do it before so you probably messed it up. Hope it doesn't die on you." So I ask what to do if it does die. He says "turn the key" >.> great, thanks dad, realy helpful. So I go to pick up my boyfriend from school and I'm driving the truck and I'm stopped at a light and my baby keeps lurching forward and I am freaking out and then the engine died on me. Right as the light turned green. Great, right? So I move it to park and turn the key, shift into drive and get moving. It died twice, at least on the way to his school, and then once on the way back! So I get back home that night and tell my father about this, he tells me that he'll go with me to take it in for the problem. We took my baby in for that problem today, at 8 in the morning I might add, and it is going to cost another 300 bucks. This is going to be a temporary fix, by the way, last a few months or so. Getting something more permenant will cost about 1000, which is more than we are willing to spend at the moment. With any luck BabyBlue will be ready tomorrow and I can drive happily again. Been driving my moms little silver 1st Generation Prius around and let me tell you, a Prius does NOT go VROOM like my baby does. It has a little spunk if you try to take off fast from a light or something, but not much. I'll just be glad to have my baby back, that's all.

So..yeah, just wanted to share that with everyone. I'll try to post more on here, I'm still hunting for a job, so until then I think I should really be a good blogger since I'm not doing much else.

Taking my brother to a nearby school so he can play a little tennis, we'll see how that goes. He is excited, I'm not quite as thrilled. I really just want to drive BabyBlue again haha

I think that's all, there is a group of Cyotes (I think I spelled that wrong) outside my window, they're howling and it's so cute haha
Uhmm..the family is all coming in this week for Thanksgiving, my poor mother is stressing out because the house is a mess and her children are slobs. Uh, my room needs to be cleaned. My back is kind of sore, I could really go for a massage right now. When my oldest sister gets here I think I'll have her give me a massage.

That's really just about all, I'm gonna go to bed soon hopefully if Facebook doesn't completely suck me in right now. Otherwise, good night!!

Little Longer Than Anticipated Update XD

Hey everyone, just popping back in realy fast to fill you all in on my very boring life so far! Okay, so my last post was a long time ago, probably before Halloween, my favorite holiday, and some thingshave happened since then. First of all, I got to spend Halloween with my bestie, and I took the train there (a half hour or so train ride) and it was really very exciting because I have never been on a train before and I got to go on a train so, yeah, fun stuff. Also, my bestie and I made our very own costumes! It was so much fun, I went as Poison Ivy from Batman and my bestie went as Black Cat from Spiderman. It was so much fun, we were in costume all day and we went to her college, and then to a movie! Oh yeah, we saw Hotel Transyllvenia (SPELLCHECK!!!) and it has to be one of my all time favorite animated movies so far!! :D I would totally pay to see it again and just might force my boyfriend to come with me to see it if it ever hits the three dollar theater here in my town, it could be a date night!

Uhmm...there is a lot more that I want to tell you guys, my brain is just so scattered right now that I'm not sure where to begin, GAH!!! Stupid brain, get organized! Lol okay, I am still looking for a job and I still have no educational plans as of right now which is bad because my parents (mostly my dad) are starting to actively consider kicking me out of the house. I've made plans for a place to stay, but I really want to get a job. Honestly, if they agree to pay for my college, I have no problem with them kicking me out and saying "find your own way to provide living expenses cause you can't stay here" because college is now more expensive than a cheap temp apartment and assorted living expenses. Despite what they think, I can actually survive off of very little. I have planned out what I would or would not take with me if I moved out, what I would need and what I just want and as for my clothes, most of them can be donated since half of my closet goes unworn anyway. All of my old toys can be donated or thrown away, and the same goes for my jewelry. The only thing I am worried about it my college. I really want to attend this online school that I found, it fits into the budget daddy gave me for schools, but he says that I can't go because it is too expensive. He says that I have to find another school that is half the original price that he gave me, so I will be out of school even longer than I originally planned. Frustrating. If he is paying for it though, I guess I really shouldn't be complaining.

What else..I am still unemployed, which sucks because I sit at home and rot. It is horrible and I hate it. I am just about ready to say "Forget this! Fast food here I come!" but the neasuea really keeps me from doing that. Have I told you guys about that yet? When I spend too much time in a fast food place, I start to feel sick because of the meat smell. Sad isn't it? Yeah.

I...uh, well I need a new phone, which isn't surprising haha I am slowly gaining weight, which is good. I want to start really working out and getting a little bit of tone on my tummy. Plus, I kinda want to start exploring a little kick boxing. Is that weird for me to say? Hahaha it's so true though, I want to be super flexible and learn kick boxing and have a toned tummy. Saying this like four days before Thanksgiving seems kind of weird but hey, maybe if I do start working out more I won't gain fat from all those yummy carbs ^-^ muscle weighs more than fat and I need to gain weight.

I saw an owl on my drive home today. I live in the country, and I was like two minuets from my house when I turned onto a street and before I even had the car strightened out onto the road, this little white and brown barn owl glided across the road and it was so beautiful..ah, just super amazing, made my night.
So on that lovely though, I am gonna get some sleep. OH! I have been haveing really bad nightmares lately too, so I tied a ribbon around my wrist, I can't remember where I heard it, but it is suppose to help. It has so far, which is good.
Okay, comment!! And Night!! :D

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Boyfriend Hangout and Hello ^-^

HI!!! It's been forever!! I know, lazy blogger haha I'm hanging out with my boyfriend right now. He seems kind of tired though, not that I blame him..we went to church this morning, very, very early...but it was fun!
I'm trying to get him to help me make this post thingy, but he isn't sure what to say XD OH!!! He reminded me we went for a bike ride, it was fun, I biked circles around him while he walked. Then, I tried to get him to ride on the handle bars..we almost died. He told me I failed and then had me get on the handle bars so that he could bike me around. We went about half a mile, which was fun ^-^ I'm convinced he was trying to kill me though..he likes to bike very fast and I was trying my best NOT to fall to my death.

Thanksgiving is on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (the punctuation was my boyfriends input lol) and I will post more about my plans later, even if you guys don't want to hear about it. In the next month or so I will talk about the holidays, my family celebrates Christmas, and New Years and all of that jazz. I am really not a holidays person, so those posts will be short to say the least.
My boyfriend is very excited because he has this week off of school, no early mornings or annoying teachers or loud obnoxious kids, best of all, no bus for him. Yes, he is excited to say the least haha

Okay, that's all for now, I might post again later. I'm off to play some Guitar Hero with my boyfriend. LATES!!!!