Monday, July 13, 2015

Morning Madness

Hello everyone!

Do you have any idea how sad it is to have fifteen posts on a blog, and not a single view? Yeah, it's sad. Anyway, so I just wanted to pop in and say hey and what's up to all of you lovely viewers out there.

So I had a chaotic morning today. I woke up bright and early (probably around 9:00 am) and took a shower, grabbed my coffee did my morning thing. Around ten I realized that I needed to print out my essay for class. No worries, it's only 4 pages and I have 2 hours to do it, so I knock it out in an hour and a half. For the next hour I am fighting with the printer. By the time I get my paper printed, it's already 12:30pm and I have class at 1. Okay. It takes about 20 minutes to drive to school, no problem. Jump in the truck and realize, oh shit, I'm out of gas. So I go to the gas station and as I'm pulling in I remember that we're doing a peer review and I need two copies of my paper or else I won't receive any credit. Well I'm standing there pumping gas, just trying to move on so I can run back to the house when my ex boyfriends friend recognizes me and starts screaming and yelling at me about how it is my fault that his friend (my ex) left town and all these crazy accusations. I finally turned to him and said that yeah, I told him to take the job out of town and he knew that long distance wasn't going to work so we split up. Then I jumped in my truck and left because I didn't have time to stand there and tell him why he was so wrong about everything he was saying.
Moving on. So I get back to the house, it's 12:45. I went to the main computer, log into gmail, jump on google drive, and... drive doesn't work because the damn computer is outdated and needs five hours of updates. Fuck. So I run into my bedroom turn on my laptop and wait for it to turn on. I open up my document and hit print. Wait a minute. Nothing happens. The printer hates me, so I hit print again, and then I find a flashdrive, copy the document over, and run into the other room where the main computer is. I print the document, but right as I hit the button, the printer start printing my paper. I go in and cancel the other two papers, grab my essay and run out the door.
My teacher has a policy that anyone later than 10 minutes will be marked as absent and receive zero points for the day. It's 12:58 when I pull out of the driveway. I have a 20 minute drive ahead of me and only 12 minutes to be in class if I want any points. Let's just say that I made it to school in 6 minutes. I had shit parking and had to go all the way across campus and I walked into my class at 1:08, two minutes to spare.
Boom. End of story.

Hope you all had a better morning than I did!
Stay Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Hey hope the rest of the day went well its just lifes chaos we all need to avoid it as much as possible great blog
