Thursday, July 2, 2015

Just a Little Rant

Hello everyone I hope that you are all well! I am... yeah, no I am not well at all actually haha

So I've officially overworked myself and am now paying for it royally. These past few days I have had extreme headaches and dizziness and fatigue and the inability to focus. I have almost blacked out a couple of times and I can't listen to anything that is above a certain noise level otherwise my head throbs and my vision will occasionally blur. Sounds like I need to see a doctor right?
Anyway, so I decided to take today and tomorrow to just rest up and relax and catch my breath and I'm not going to go anywhere or do anymore driving. I'm going to be a potato and it will be awesome!

Yeah so thanks for letting me rant out a bit about my body and my own stupidity :)
Have an awesome day
Stay beautiful

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