Tuesday, June 30, 2015

MGT - Creatures

Hello everyone, thank you for being patient and letting me work through this very slow process of Magic the Gathering with you, I know a lot of you aren't into it which I completely understand but it's been a huge hit where I live so I wanted to get some more information out there to you all.
Let's talk creatures. Creatures are spell that summon a creature to the field and you get to control it. You can have as many creatures on the field as you want.

Red creatures, generally speaking, are thought of as early game creatures. When someone says red, they think small creatures coming out quickly and in large numbers. Red creatures are generally smaller, but attack constantly and the small damage they do builds up quickly.
White creatures are mid to late game creatures, they deal more with gaining you life and being able to defend as well as attack. My favorite creature type is Angel, and white by far has the most angels so... yeah I will probably have a post simply talking about Angels and which ones I love and why.
Black creatures have more graveyard affects which deal with deathtouch (meaning any combat damage deal by the creature is enough to kill/destroy the other creature) or bringing something back from the grave, occasionally this includes placing cards from your library into your graveyard.
Green creature decks use creatures that have special abilities to create more mana. Obviously, the more mana you have, the bigger and better your creatures can be. They put out numerous mana generating creatures (mother fucking elves!) and use those to put out very large scary creatures earlier in the game. I don't know much about green, I don't touch green I don't talk green I don't play green. Green and I are not friends and we never have been.
Blue also isn't a color I play very often just because it is more of a control color. The creatures in blue have abilities that help draw or control your opponents. Personally, I'm not about that, I think everyone should do their own thing and chaos should run rampant, blue players would disagree, but hey what do I know, I'm just a red player.
Moving on.

Each creature has two numbers at the bottom right hand side of the card. The first number is the power and the second number is the toughness. Basically, the first number is how much damage the creature does and the second number is how much damage a creature can take before it will die.

Creatures can only be played during the first or second main phases of your turn. You must have the mana available in order to cast the creature. There are ways to "cheat" a creature into play by using "Place onto the battlefield" effects.
Creatures attack and block. Between the two main phases, there is an attack phase. Player A declares they want to attack player B with two creatures. One elf and one angel (since those are the two creatures types you know). Player B then gets to decide if he wants to take the damage or if he is going to block. Player B says, "I don't want to take damage from a 4/4 angel, so I will block with my 1/1 bird." (these are the most common power/toughness and abilities for those creatures). The angel does 4 damage to the bird and the bird does 1 damage to the angel, so the bird dies and the angel lives. The elf does 1 damage to player B, so player B would go from 20 to 19 life.

I hope that all makes sense to you, I know it's a lot to cover in such a short post but I know you can all understand it.
I have a shitton of homework to do so I need to get started on that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day,
Stay beautiful everyone!

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