Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Magic Takeover

Magic The Gathering is a card game. I've played it for years,  same with my brother. My boyfriend wrote a paper about it and so he interviewed us and he learned how to play and even taught a few of our friends how to play. From there the game exploded at school. Even now, I'm taking my brother with me to a Magic Night with a few of my friends where we are going to play a couple of games and then we'll just hang out and build a cube (I don't have time to explain that right now...) and it will be really nice.
In Magic, or MTG, each player starts with 20 life and a deck of 60+ cards. there are five colors the cards can be and they can also be colorless which means they don't affiliate with any of the colors. Each deck can be one or a combination of these colors. There are creatures, spells, artifacts and other such things and the goal is to bring your opponents life total to zero and/or make them run out of cards in their deck meaning that they can no longer draw a card on their turn.
The game starts with players deciding who will go first (generally by rolling dice, highest roll chooses when they wish to go). Each player draws seven cards from their deck, if they don't like what they have then they can shuffle their entire hand into their deck have and opponent cut the deck and then they draw six cards. This process continues, each time the hand size decreases by one. In the one on one games, the first player does not draw a card on the first round, but in games where there are more than two player, everyone gets to draw on the first turn.
Each turn begins with the untap step which is where all the cards or tokens on your field untap so you can now use them. Then comes the upkeep step which is where any abilities that say "On your upkeep" "During your upkeep" or if an opponent has a card that says "on each opponents upkeep" or "at the next upkeep" happen. After everything has resolved, comes the draw step which is where you take the first card from the top of your deck (which is called your library) and place it into your hand.
Next comes the first main phase which is where you may cast sorcery spells, instants, creatures, enchantments, artifacts, planeswalkers and even place one land onto the field. Then the attack phase where only instants may be cast. Next is the second main phase which is just like the first main phase. Clean up and end of turn comes last. In the next few days I will go over each of the phases, spell types, and give a few of my own personal deck ideas.
I encourage you all to check out Magic the Gathering and try learning how to play. It is a lot of fun, especially if you keep it casual. There are numerous play styles that I will be going over with you all and please please please, if you have any questions comments or concerns just type them out in the comments below.

Have a wonderful day every
Stay beautiful!

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