Sunday, June 28, 2015

MTG - Basic Lands

Hey everyone I hope you're all having a fantastic day!
I just wanted to take up like ten minutes of your lives in order to talk to you all about the basic building block of Magic the Gathering: lands. These are also known as mana and they are the most common way for a player to cast a spell. Other ways to cast a spell would include paying life, discarding from your hand, sacrificing creatures, and other such things that can be in addition to tapping land or even just an alternate cost. Now there are some spell that have a converted mana cost of 0, but we'll get into those later.
Basic land comes in five different type: Plains (white), Island (blue), Swamp (black), Mountain (red), and Forest (green). I will be using a Mountain to explain because I most often play red and I am what is commonly referred to as a "Red Player".
A Mountain can tap for either one red mana, or one colorless mana (meaning the color used to cast the spell is unimportant). Generally speaking, about one third of a players deck should consist of mana while the remaining two thirds contains the spells.
There are more land types than just the basic lands (the five above listed lands), but I'm too exhausted to get into all of that with you right now. Let's just say that some lands can add more than one color and some add none at all O.O crazy right?

Anyway I hope you all have a wonderous night and don't party too hard! I, on the other hand, will be going to class tomorrow and it will be no fun because English. Yes, I'm taking English, it's required for my transfer stop hating.
And once again I'm sorry about the posts that aren't so much about me, I'm just trying to jot down the things I've been thinking about and my boyfriend has been on a HUGE MTG kick lately and then I'm trying to teach one of my friends and she wants to know about the details so I went over lands with her's a long process and I have Magic on the brain.

Moving on.

Stay beautiful everyone!

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