Friday, June 26, 2015

Everything is New!

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing well, and are not extremely upset with me for not posting here for over a year.  Shit happened, guys, and then (if I can just be honest for a moment) I forgot all about you.  Sorry :(

Well let me just tell you that everything is new.  I feel like I hit to reset button on my life and have just completely started over.  I am still in school, yes, but I changed my major from Art to Psychology.  Big change.  I'm dating this new guy, well, not exactly new.  We've been together for 9 months now and I really do believe that this one will stay for years to come.  I'm on top of my homework and projects, I have a very small weekly income which is a great start to a job (which is one thing that hasn't changed, I still don't have a real stable income).

I've been challenging myself in school lately, I took a four week statistics class where I sat for four hour a day, four days a week.  I was so bored out of my mind and tired because I was getting up at six for this class, I was more than glad when it finally ended.  Now I'm in a six week summer course with two classes, child development and English which covers critical thinking and the structure of argument.  I'm not sure how well you all remember, but I am not big on arguments so this class will probably be really difficult for me.

Well, thank you all for just accepting the fact that I'm a terrible person and might forget that I have a little blog to keep up to date.  I'm going to try to post on here more often (I know, you all doubt that this will actually happen), probably at night.  Let me warn you now that it will probably be short rants about homework assignments, Magic decks I've put together, summaries of my day, and other such boring things.  Please bear with me though because I want to get into the habit of posting frequently before I start putting more time into writing out long interesting things for you all.

Have a wonderful week!
Stay beautiful!

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