Thursday, July 9, 2015

Too Fast Too Soon

Hello everyone I hope you are are fabulous tonight as I most certainly am <3

I just want to take a moment to say that I believe life is moving too fast. I just found out ANOTHER friend of mine just got engaged. The girl I sit next to in Child Development is getting married on 14 July 2015. I ran into an old friend from high school and she's been married to her high school best friend (yes, he got out of the friend zone!) for almost a year now. That's just three of my numerous friends who are settling down. Not to mention who is having children of their own now, who is trying, and who is going on to their second or third child! I'm only 21 and I have zero interest in getting married. Ever. My boyfriend, yeah he wants to someday settle down and have kids, but that's years down the road and he's 24.
These people don't have their shit together, they aren't all employed and none of them are out of school. I don't see the logical reasoning behind having children and getting married when they can hardly support themselves. Moving in together, yeah, it's a financially sound decision. Having a baby? Shit, I don't think I'll ever honestly be ready for that.

Thanks for letting me ramble for a bit
Hope you can understand my point of view, leave your comments below and I'll post again soon!

Stay beautiful

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