Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fruit Containers

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing fabulously today because I most certainly am not.

Tragic, I know.

I've been craving healthy food lately, a lot of fruits and vegetables and zero processed food like french fries and pizza. Well today at school I bought the fruit container which is $3.75
Can I just say that a burger with bacon and fries plus a drink only costs like 7 dollars at this place, a breakfast burrito which is bacon eggs cheese and whatever the hell else they can find, is only 3 or 4 bucks. Their take on fresh fruit is almost four dollars, honey I could by a lot of fruit with four dollars considering the price per pound of fruit.
In this fruit container, there are grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and pineapple. According to the USDA, Economic Research Service analysis of 2008 Nielsen Homescan data which I got off of This Government Website on page 11 it shows the actual price per pound for all of these fruits. In my fruit container, I got 2 grapes, 6 pieces of pineapple, 5 pieces of watermelon, 5 pieces of honeydew, and 4 pieces of cantaloupe (and when I say pieces, I mean these things were about one square inch or smaller).
I'm not even mad about how much was in this container, you guys, please, I'm over it. What I am truly upset about is the fact that none of the fruit was really any good. My grapes, both of them, were grapes of lies. They were like cherry tomatoes because when I popped one into my mouth and bit down everything inside squirted out and there were surprise seeds (which was not listed on the container) and I was left with grape skin and seeds in my mouth with no grape. The pineapple was brown. Brown! Plus, they were so sour it was like eating a lemon, I'm not about that. Yes, I tried one, one bite of the least brown mostly orange pineapple. Never again. The honeydew had not structural integrity, not did the cantaloupe and both were more bitter than anything. The watermelon, which is my favorite of these fruits, was mush! They ruined watermelon! It's a sin I tell you, a crime against nature and my taste buds. The watermelon tasted like slightly bitter water with seeds for texture because they mushy-ness of it wasn't enough >.>
All in all, never going to the school cafe for food ever again. I am so upset that I just can't handle it. I will drive to the nearest food place just to eat because the cafe at school has forever been ruined.

Stay beautiful everyone
Eat good fruits

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