Monday, July 6, 2015

My First Baseball Game

Hello everyone, I hope I find you all well!

It was a very busy weekend, but the highlight was by far going to the A's game in Oakland on Saturday, the Fourth of July (American Independence Day). I had never been to a baseball game before so it was cool that my boyfriend took me with him and his family.
They all said that they were cursed. Every time one of them brought a girl they were seeing to an A's game, the A's would lose. This is something that went all the way back to my boyfriends grandfather, there was zero hope of ever breaking this curse.
Well, as you may or may not know, the A's won with a final score of 2-0 and it was a great game. I broke the curse, guys! I don't know what that means though... I hope it is a good sign for the relationship and for the A's.
I've come to realize that I love watching baseball, going to the stadium and tailgating and being part of the crowd, the whole experience just can't really be beat. Even though I did walk away with a nasty burn on my face (sadly, it outlines where my sunglasses were...I didn't think that one through XD).

Well I am honestly exhausted and I have a lot of reading and writing to do so I'm going to tackle that now.
Stay beautiful!

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