Thursday, March 14, 2013

Charmander Thursday XD

Hey you guys, it's Riku again and I just figured I could jump on here real quick and talk for a bit. Maybe say hello and possibly get a response (however unlikely). So today I had a really good day, it's Thursday and normally I'm not fond of Thursday, it sounds ugly and and it holds no real greatness in my opinion, but today has been really good. I painted for hours this morning and I sang and I got to eat some pretty good food. I guess it was just one of those randomly good days where nothing super great happens but it all seems 10X better than it really is and just...yeah so that's just my own little thoughts for the day. I have been drawing pictures of basic Pokemon, I drew a Charmander for a friend of mine, hopefully he will get it on Saturday since we're trading. He is working on a Charmander sticker for me and it return I drew him a picture. I also have a Squirtle and Bulbasaur. I want to work on being able to drat the basic first or so generation of Pokemon because I really do love the show and it makes me happy and Misty will forever be my one and only girl, she was the original and she is awesome and you can argue all you want I don't care, you won't change my mind lol
So I'm going to go listen to some tunes now, maybe get some sleep, I'll talk to you all again, just felt like jumping on here and posting a little bit about my thoughts haha thank you, as always, for following up with my blog and although I don't always have a consistent pattern for these posts, I do appreciate you guys checking in every now and then just to catch up ^-^

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