Tuesday, August 14, 2012


He did it. It is official. I am screwed. Great. I broke. I think I broke. That's it. Maybe not. Caught in the moment. Wraped up in talk. Right? Right.

I should probably try to explain this a little, shouldn't I? Well I guess I should get to the point already then haha I am talking about Magic. No, not the show with the Poof and the smoke and mirrors, I am talking about the card game. My boyfriend plays and when he first showed me a few months back I must admit I was a little freaked out and slightly confused by the cards and the intensity with which he and his friends seemed to play. I grabbed a deck and attempted to keep up, being wiped out almost instatly, I gave up and decided my time may be better spent on my boyfriends lap playing distraction while he and his buddies gather around a table for hours on end.
Well, he finially peaked my interest when I saw him use a Red Goblin deck. I don't know much about the game, but I really got interested at that pooint, not sure why. So today, he took me out and I bought myself a starter deck for $13 or so at Target. It is a Red/White deck, and we went to the card shop and I got a few more cards to add in. I played two games, today, one against just my boyfriend and the other against him and two others.
Dare I say it? I had fun...
Don't you start judging me just yet! Bear with me for just a little longer while I explain, okay?
So I am a very competative person, I enjoy winning. Well, let's also add in the fact that I am a fast learner, I catch on really quickly to things. Then let''s also agree on the fact that I am lazy, distracted, easily entertained, often amused and want to understand the thought process behind every action. Magic is a nerd game where I can sit down, watch other people move, then try to understand why they did that. I really liked getting to see such a different side to everyone. I feel like there is a lot more joking around that goes on over a game of Magic than in other circumstances, the guys were all laughs. Now, I have noticed this before, when they play Magic, they seem to be more at ease, as if Magic somehow transports them to another place or something. I don't quite understand it, but maybe one day I will?
So getting back to my deck! It is a Red/White deck, and it mainly has Angels in it, but I feel like my deck was kinda weirdly put together because it also has a lot of Vampires and then an aray of Humans, Devils, Elemental Creatures, Spirits and a Griffin. I'm not sure if that is normal for a deck or not, but I think it is kinda weird.. Okay no, what is weird is my sudden want for a Red/Black Vampire deck and to make this deck I have currently into a Red/White Angel deck...now I am just being silly haha

I guess that is it for me tonight, I'll leave you with one last little tip: it is very important to understand the cards that you are playing with! Otherwise you will be like me and sit there for 5 minuets every turn reading your cards and trying to figure out if you should play it or not XD
Okay, talk to you all real soon!

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