Monday, August 6, 2012

Guy Time

Hey guys, I am going to make this post as quick as possible cause I really want to get back to the Puzzle From Hell.

Today I spent the day with my boyfriend..and three of his guy friends. It was actually a lot of fun, even when I was the only girl hanging out in a group of 6 guys (all of which were younger than me...) and we were crammed in a hot tub. Wasn't awkward, I felt like a pimp haha I really enjoy getting to hang out with all the guys, it makes me feel accepted. I mean, yeah, sometimes it can feel sort of weird and like I shouldn't be there, but those moments are few and far between, and that is part of what like so much about his friends. They have been really good about not accidentally making things awkward. At least...I think they are accepting me, I hope they like me haha
We went to this really cool card shop and at first I thought it was kinda weird but I started to really get into it after a while. When we first walked in I felt out of place..being a girl and all, but it was really exciting to get to see a place that otherwise I would have never really thought to go. Does that make sense? I kinda wish I was more into Magic so I could buy cards and get really excited like they all did. I want to play, but when my boyfriend and his buddies are all gathered around the table playing Magic I normally end up more confused than anything. I have tried to play before, I mostly end up killed off before 5 rounds, but then again I've only ever played three times in my life..perhapes I should try again?
Now, while I really do like hanging out with the guys, I also love to spend some time with my boyfriends little sister, she is so adorable! She taught me how to play Minecraft...kinda..I am generally terrible with video games and stuff like that so I was really bad at it. Oh well. She also lent me some clothes for the day since I was all dressed up in a white dress and three inch wedge happy we are close in sizes haha

Okay, so that did take a little longer than I had hoped for haha oh well, later everyone! Riku signing off to return to the Demon Puzzle ^-^

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