Friday, August 3, 2012

Good Bad and Boyfriend

So I have good news and bad news, but then again, isn't life always like that?

Bad News first.
I am officially obsessed with something. Bingo. On Facebook. And I need a hero to save me from it.

Good News second.
My bestie and I had a good long conversation today on the phone, it was nice to hear her voice again. I wish we could talk more often, it was good to be able to just slow down and acatually talk, you know?

Also, the zoo trip with my boyfriend has been moved to Saturday ^-^ I know I talk about him a lot, but I only ever really talk about him on here..I mean..not many people are willing to sit down and listen to me just talk about some it is nice to have this blog thing to spill out to when I need to.
Actually, I don't think that I ever told you peoples (whoever you may be) about the fight I picked with my boyfriend about a week or so ago. He went on a trip with some of his guy friends to Pismo beach and while he was there I had my bad day where I ended up making the post titled GAH!!! in July. Well, I didn't write about it, but my boyfriend and I got into our biggest fight ever on that night/morning. He was at the beach and I was at home and we just yelled at each other and were both super pissed and it was just really bad. I was kind of scared that we might break up, but we both slept on it and we felt a little better in the morning. He ended up getting my a ring (clear with black paint saying LOVE on a white background), a pink frog and beach sand as a peace offering. We made up, but things were awkward for a while. It was three days later or whatever that we had our picnic, it was sort of as though we were going to finally move on and it really made me enjoy our relationship so much more.
Yes, we may have our ups and downs, but I really do think tha this relationship will last. I really do hope so, at least.

OH! And just one more thing I have to get off my chest before I sign off here

I couldn't resist, perhaps I'll expand more on that little outburst next time, or at a later date, but now is not the time for it haha this is Riku, signing off and saying enjoy the little things in life ^-^ later, everyone!

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