Monday, July 9, 2012

Job Search and Shout Outs

So since I have been out of high school, I have been on the hunt for jobs. The places I would like to work won't hire me until I am 21. Oh, you know, the really cool places where a discount would be amazing..the gun shop, the shooting range..places like that. So I have been applying elsewhere, trying for jobs such as Dicks Sporting Goods and PetSmart and Styles. Hopefully these places hire me, a lot of them say that previous experience is recomended, but I have none of that because to have experience you need a job and to have a job you need experience which you get by obtaining a job which you need experience in order to land and it is just a never ending cycle of terror. I mean, really, I'll take any job I can get as long as I don't have to deal with other peoples food..I just..I cannot deal with other peoples food. I cannot. I can handle screaming customers who are angry because they can't find what they need, but I just might vomit if I have to deal with someone elses picked at half eaten leftovers..

Anyways, so the job search is going about as well as a red dress at a black and white ball, that is to say "I feel really out of place applying for all of these places because most of them I doubt would hire me because I don't think that I fit into their 'CompanyImage' like the other employees cause I have applied to both Hot Topic and Hollister and Ambercrombie and heck! I am even considering applying to Spencers even though I just might die if I had to work there!!!". Make sense?
Probably not..
Do I care?
Not really.
Should I?
Eh, maybe.

Also, today is a very good friend of my's birthday and I would just like to do a quick shout out to her. Happy birthday girly, you kniw who you are. And i forgot to do a shout out on Saturday to my guy friend who turned 18 finally, happy birthday dude, and don't you dare give into that Hello Kitty case (sorry for the inside joke)!

Okay, so I do believe that I am done for the night/morning. Good night/morning blogger world citizens, I shall return at a leter haha. Who knows, I just might post again today XD

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