Hello to you great world of bloggers!
I must confess, I have found that my life is rather boring. As I have continually tried to keep this blog up and running, I notice that I do not have much going on. I am applying for jobs. I hang out with my boyfriend. I talk about my best friend. I listen to music. I do my chores. I mess around on facebook. Stay up until 3-5am. Get up around noon and repeat.
That is what happened today..er, well, yesterday. I went to bed around 5 or 6am, got up at 10 in order to do yard work before it got too hot here in the Central Valley of California. Around 1pm my boyfriend picked me up from my house and we hung out until 9pm. I got Starbucks on the way home as usual, the lady there knows me by name and has my order memorized. It is amazing. Anyways, so I talked to my best friend throughout the day. I filled out another job application and continued to log onto facebook. I began to work on cleaning my room and listened to music while I did this. I am currently logged off of facebook and sitting on my bed just kinda or reflecting on how structured my days are. Seeing as it is now 3am, I will be asleep in the next few hours.
The good news it that I got to build a fort today (yesterday) with my boyfriend. It took us a while o figure out how to build it, but then we finished it in less than ten miuets and we continued to watch Big Bang Theory (one of my absolue favorite TV shows) while sitting inside of it. It really made my day special.
I have found that I only ever really watch TV at his house, because watching TV at my house means a constant comentary from my father. My father is a very loud man, his voice carries through walls, and he has a number of volumes: Loud, Louder, Ticked, Chastizing, Frustrated/Political, Angry, and Protective Daddy are the main ones (listed in order of increasing volume).
Anywho...I guess it is time to push the repeat button and continue on to another day of the same thing. sounds fun, right? It does to me, I don't really like change. I adapt well, but change is never enjoyable. I like to have things in just a way, and when things get moved around I kind of panic. I like order to a point..and you probably don't get what I am trying to say, but that is okay because tere is still plenty of time for you blogger worldlings to understand.
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