Saturday, July 7, 2012

How I Know My Boyfriend Loves Me

I get really bad hallucinations sometimes, and they have been know to keep me up late at night just because they are so bad or so frightening. Well, tonight they have been horrible, and I won't go into detail of what I have been seeing. It is just not good, and several times I have almost screamed or cried. He didn't sleep all last night and then he stayed up tonight with me and did his best to keep me sane. He played a few of our favorite songs such as Perfect by Lights and All About Us by He Is We. then for hours he helped me translate the complicated language of doctors as I read to him what I found on the internet about hallucinations. He has been keeping me sane since 11pm and it is now 5:14am. I swear, I really do believe that I have the best boyfriend in the world. <3

That's all for now.

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