Monday, July 20, 2015

Unleash The Dragons!

Hello everyone! Riku here with one MAJOR confession.

I'm addicted to Dragon City.
Whew! Now that it's out there I'm starting to feel a little better. Allow me to explain.
Dragon City is another FaceBook Game (think back to CandyCrush, yeah that's still around too). With Dragon City, you raise dragons, fight them against other players, and level them up. Farms are built for growing dragon food, a training center for strengthening dragons (dragons level 15+) a breeding area to get new dragon eggs (dragons level 10+) and even quests and a opportunity to expand your island. You start with one island to raise dragons, then as dragons collect gold, you can buy additional islands.
Even as I explain it, I know how stupid it sounds, but I still have it open in another window an I'm constantly checking in to see what's going on.
Personally, I'm level 38, and I have 74 Dragons.
I will warn you all now though, if you do check it out, a lot of the dragons are super dumb looking. It's like they ran out of ideas or were grasping at straws trying to find cute dragons to draw in smaller children. I'll show you a few examples.

This is the Ice Cube Dragon. All in
all, I'd say he's pretty chill.

This is the Ice Cream Dragon. He
comes complete with a cherry on top!
This is the Mojito Dragon. It must be
refreshing on a hot summer day
Of course, there are also some pretty awesome looking dragons as well. 
Introducing the Jade Dragon. Yeah he looks like a badass. . .
and a lot like the bad guy in the animated Jackie Chan series.
Yeah I have one, and yeah, I did name him Shendu. What Up!

This one is called the Monstrous Dragon. No, I don't have one of
these guys yet, I'm working on it though. I can't tell you how many
times this guy has kicked my butt in a PvP match. Not Cool!
As you can see, these dragons are either hit or miss as far as looks go, but when it comes to picking favorites I know exactly who I'm looking for. Allow me to introduce my top five FAVORITE dragons out of my collection. And there is no doubt in my mind as to which dragons I'm selecting here.
The Hot Metal Dragon (my personal favorite). I have named mine Hades and he is my highest level dragon at a level 20. He has been fully trained and I use him all the time. Without a doubt, my number one dragon, no questions asked, I love him.
My Wyvern Dragon is level 19 fully trained and named Tongue. He is my second favorite dragon, and the only three element dragon in my top five favorites. I use him mostly for quests since he is a higher level. 
This is the Secret Fire Dragon. She can be bred through the Ancient World on Dragon City. Mine's named Gemma and she is level 16, half trained and I am trying to strengthen her for fighting in PvP. It's a slow process since she isn't any of the standard elements, I am figuring out strengths and weaknesses as I go.

Ah yes, the Rattle Snake Dragon. Mine is a level 18, fully trained dragon named Venom. He is currently my 4th favorite dragon and I use him mostly for quests right now since he is the third highest level dragon I own.

Fleur is my Red Rose Dragon, and like Gemma, she can only be attained through breeding in the Ancient World. Fleur is level 15 and has only trained one attack, but I am working on having her fight in the PvP. My goal is to have Fleur become a staple in PvP so other dragons are free to go on quests as I need them to.
Fleur and Gemma are great in PvP, but I have another dragon like them (a mermaid dragon named Ahri) and she is the worst fighter I have ever seen. 
So this is Ahri, my level 15 Mermaid Dragon. I'm in the process of running her through the
training center, but her attacks aren't doing very much damage and she dies quickly...

I had high hopes for Ahri, but they have crashed into the ground quickly. Quite a disappointment.


Thank you for letting me nerd out on you all. These picture were all off of google images, so look them up and see what other dragons you might enjoy. 

Stay beautiful everyone!

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