Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Once A Week?

Hello everyone, I do hope you are all fabulous today
I am exhausted, but still keeping strong.

I wanted to tell you all, so that you know, that I plan on changing my posting schedule to about one post every week. This will give me the chance to really work out what I am going to say so that I'm not just rambling as much when I jump on here. It will also be a BIG stress weight off my shoulders because I thought I would be posting everyday and then school just completely took over and with my other blog (which is honestly an everyday post blog) I feel like I can't handle all of this everyday.

I hope you can all learn to live with this, I'm sorry if it is at all distressing to anyone. I honestly just need to lighten my load a little so I'm not such a crazy ball of stress.

I'm not sure yet what day I'm going to be posting every week, but I will probably aim for one post every weekend sometime. Maybe. I'll have to think about it. We'll see how this goes, so wish me luck with the whole English 3 summer class (only 2 weeks left! Thank the heavens, I'm dying over here).

Stay beautiful everyone!

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