Monday, July 20, 2015

Unleash The Dragons!

Hello everyone! Riku here with one MAJOR confession.

I'm addicted to Dragon City.
Whew! Now that it's out there I'm starting to feel a little better. Allow me to explain.
Dragon City is another FaceBook Game (think back to CandyCrush, yeah that's still around too). With Dragon City, you raise dragons, fight them against other players, and level them up. Farms are built for growing dragon food, a training center for strengthening dragons (dragons level 15+) a breeding area to get new dragon eggs (dragons level 10+) and even quests and a opportunity to expand your island. You start with one island to raise dragons, then as dragons collect gold, you can buy additional islands.
Even as I explain it, I know how stupid it sounds, but I still have it open in another window an I'm constantly checking in to see what's going on.
Personally, I'm level 38, and I have 74 Dragons.
I will warn you all now though, if you do check it out, a lot of the dragons are super dumb looking. It's like they ran out of ideas or were grasping at straws trying to find cute dragons to draw in smaller children. I'll show you a few examples.

This is the Ice Cube Dragon. All in
all, I'd say he's pretty chill.

This is the Ice Cream Dragon. He
comes complete with a cherry on top!
This is the Mojito Dragon. It must be
refreshing on a hot summer day
Of course, there are also some pretty awesome looking dragons as well. 
Introducing the Jade Dragon. Yeah he looks like a badass. . .
and a lot like the bad guy in the animated Jackie Chan series.
Yeah I have one, and yeah, I did name him Shendu. What Up!

This one is called the Monstrous Dragon. No, I don't have one of
these guys yet, I'm working on it though. I can't tell you how many
times this guy has kicked my butt in a PvP match. Not Cool!
As you can see, these dragons are either hit or miss as far as looks go, but when it comes to picking favorites I know exactly who I'm looking for. Allow me to introduce my top five FAVORITE dragons out of my collection. And there is no doubt in my mind as to which dragons I'm selecting here.
The Hot Metal Dragon (my personal favorite). I have named mine Hades and he is my highest level dragon at a level 20. He has been fully trained and I use him all the time. Without a doubt, my number one dragon, no questions asked, I love him.
My Wyvern Dragon is level 19 fully trained and named Tongue. He is my second favorite dragon, and the only three element dragon in my top five favorites. I use him mostly for quests since he is a higher level. 
This is the Secret Fire Dragon. She can be bred through the Ancient World on Dragon City. Mine's named Gemma and she is level 16, half trained and I am trying to strengthen her for fighting in PvP. It's a slow process since she isn't any of the standard elements, I am figuring out strengths and weaknesses as I go.

Ah yes, the Rattle Snake Dragon. Mine is a level 18, fully trained dragon named Venom. He is currently my 4th favorite dragon and I use him mostly for quests right now since he is the third highest level dragon I own.

Fleur is my Red Rose Dragon, and like Gemma, she can only be attained through breeding in the Ancient World. Fleur is level 15 and has only trained one attack, but I am working on having her fight in the PvP. My goal is to have Fleur become a staple in PvP so other dragons are free to go on quests as I need them to.
Fleur and Gemma are great in PvP, but I have another dragon like them (a mermaid dragon named Ahri) and she is the worst fighter I have ever seen. 
So this is Ahri, my level 15 Mermaid Dragon. I'm in the process of running her through the
training center, but her attacks aren't doing very much damage and she dies quickly...

I had high hopes for Ahri, but they have crashed into the ground quickly. Quite a disappointment.


Thank you for letting me nerd out on you all. These picture were all off of google images, so look them up and see what other dragons you might enjoy. 

Stay beautiful everyone!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Once A Week?

Hello everyone, I do hope you are all fabulous today
I am exhausted, but still keeping strong.

I wanted to tell you all, so that you know, that I plan on changing my posting schedule to about one post every week. This will give me the chance to really work out what I am going to say so that I'm not just rambling as much when I jump on here. It will also be a BIG stress weight off my shoulders because I thought I would be posting everyday and then school just completely took over and with my other blog (which is honestly an everyday post blog) I feel like I can't handle all of this everyday.

I hope you can all learn to live with this, I'm sorry if it is at all distressing to anyone. I honestly just need to lighten my load a little so I'm not such a crazy ball of stress.

I'm not sure yet what day I'm going to be posting every week, but I will probably aim for one post every weekend sometime. Maybe. I'll have to think about it. We'll see how this goes, so wish me luck with the whole English 3 summer class (only 2 weeks left! Thank the heavens, I'm dying over here).

Stay beautiful everyone!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Morning Madness

Hello everyone!

Do you have any idea how sad it is to have fifteen posts on a blog, and not a single view? Yeah, it's sad. Anyway, so I just wanted to pop in and say hey and what's up to all of you lovely viewers out there.

So I had a chaotic morning today. I woke up bright and early (probably around 9:00 am) and took a shower, grabbed my coffee did my morning thing. Around ten I realized that I needed to print out my essay for class. No worries, it's only 4 pages and I have 2 hours to do it, so I knock it out in an hour and a half. For the next hour I am fighting with the printer. By the time I get my paper printed, it's already 12:30pm and I have class at 1. Okay. It takes about 20 minutes to drive to school, no problem. Jump in the truck and realize, oh shit, I'm out of gas. So I go to the gas station and as I'm pulling in I remember that we're doing a peer review and I need two copies of my paper or else I won't receive any credit. Well I'm standing there pumping gas, just trying to move on so I can run back to the house when my ex boyfriends friend recognizes me and starts screaming and yelling at me about how it is my fault that his friend (my ex) left town and all these crazy accusations. I finally turned to him and said that yeah, I told him to take the job out of town and he knew that long distance wasn't going to work so we split up. Then I jumped in my truck and left because I didn't have time to stand there and tell him why he was so wrong about everything he was saying.
Moving on. So I get back to the house, it's 12:45. I went to the main computer, log into gmail, jump on google drive, and... drive doesn't work because the damn computer is outdated and needs five hours of updates. Fuck. So I run into my bedroom turn on my laptop and wait for it to turn on. I open up my document and hit print. Wait a minute. Nothing happens. The printer hates me, so I hit print again, and then I find a flashdrive, copy the document over, and run into the other room where the main computer is. I print the document, but right as I hit the button, the printer start printing my paper. I go in and cancel the other two papers, grab my essay and run out the door.
My teacher has a policy that anyone later than 10 minutes will be marked as absent and receive zero points for the day. It's 12:58 when I pull out of the driveway. I have a 20 minute drive ahead of me and only 12 minutes to be in class if I want any points. Let's just say that I made it to school in 6 minutes. I had shit parking and had to go all the way across campus and I walked into my class at 1:08, two minutes to spare.
Boom. End of story.

Hope you all had a better morning than I did!
Stay Beautiful!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Favorites and Me

Hello everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday so far! Mine has been filled with Anime and BuzzFeed videos haha

I just wanted to talk to you all for a bit about myself.
My astrological sign is a Taurus, Chinese Zodiac year of the dog. I'm dating a Leo right now, I guess astrologically speaking we're not the most compatible haha which explains why we always seem to disagree, I swear we say "You don't know me" more than anything else...maybe "Let's get pizza" is a close second. Anyway ...
I am not an only child and my parents are neither divorced nor separated. Most of my friends are the opposite of this which makes it difficult for me to understand how they grew up. I was raised in a very conservative christian household with church every Sunday and if you even said the word "stupid" you were in trouble.
I grew up believing that I had to moms, but it turns out that my Other Mom (as I call her) was actually just a close family friend whom also happened to be my babysitter. She basically raised me like her daughter and I did spend most of my childhood with her at her house so it makes sense that I see her as another mother.
I really love Indie music, you know, artists such as Lily Allen, Kate Nash, Lights, He Is We, Lenka, etc....
My favorite color is purple, lucky number is 23, favorite month is April and my favorite day is Tuesday. My favorite movie of all time is The Journey of Natty Gann, favorite song is Pretend by Lights, and I don't have a favorite band.

Alright well that's all for today, I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend
Stay beautiful everyone!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Too Fast Too Soon

Hello everyone I hope you are are fabulous tonight as I most certainly am <3

I just want to take a moment to say that I believe life is moving too fast. I just found out ANOTHER friend of mine just got engaged. The girl I sit next to in Child Development is getting married on 14 July 2015. I ran into an old friend from high school and she's been married to her high school best friend (yes, he got out of the friend zone!) for almost a year now. That's just three of my numerous friends who are settling down. Not to mention who is having children of their own now, who is trying, and who is going on to their second or third child! I'm only 21 and I have zero interest in getting married. Ever. My boyfriend, yeah he wants to someday settle down and have kids, but that's years down the road and he's 24.
These people don't have their shit together, they aren't all employed and none of them are out of school. I don't see the logical reasoning behind having children and getting married when they can hardly support themselves. Moving in together, yeah, it's a financially sound decision. Having a baby? Shit, I don't think I'll ever honestly be ready for that.

Thanks for letting me ramble for a bit
Hope you can understand my point of view, leave your comments below and I'll post again soon!

Stay beautiful

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fruit Containers

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing fabulously today because I most certainly am not.

Tragic, I know.

I've been craving healthy food lately, a lot of fruits and vegetables and zero processed food like french fries and pizza. Well today at school I bought the fruit container which is $3.75
Can I just say that a burger with bacon and fries plus a drink only costs like 7 dollars at this place, a breakfast burrito which is bacon eggs cheese and whatever the hell else they can find, is only 3 or 4 bucks. Their take on fresh fruit is almost four dollars, honey I could by a lot of fruit with four dollars considering the price per pound of fruit.
In this fruit container, there are grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and pineapple. According to the USDA, Economic Research Service analysis of 2008 Nielsen Homescan data which I got off of This Government Website on page 11 it shows the actual price per pound for all of these fruits. In my fruit container, I got 2 grapes, 6 pieces of pineapple, 5 pieces of watermelon, 5 pieces of honeydew, and 4 pieces of cantaloupe (and when I say pieces, I mean these things were about one square inch or smaller).
I'm not even mad about how much was in this container, you guys, please, I'm over it. What I am truly upset about is the fact that none of the fruit was really any good. My grapes, both of them, were grapes of lies. They were like cherry tomatoes because when I popped one into my mouth and bit down everything inside squirted out and there were surprise seeds (which was not listed on the container) and I was left with grape skin and seeds in my mouth with no grape. The pineapple was brown. Brown! Plus, they were so sour it was like eating a lemon, I'm not about that. Yes, I tried one, one bite of the least brown mostly orange pineapple. Never again. The honeydew had not structural integrity, not did the cantaloupe and both were more bitter than anything. The watermelon, which is my favorite of these fruits, was mush! They ruined watermelon! It's a sin I tell you, a crime against nature and my taste buds. The watermelon tasted like slightly bitter water with seeds for texture because they mushy-ness of it wasn't enough >.>
All in all, never going to the school cafe for food ever again. I am so upset that I just can't handle it. I will drive to the nearest food place just to eat because the cafe at school has forever been ruined.

Stay beautiful everyone
Eat good fruits

Monday, July 6, 2015

My First Baseball Game

Hello everyone, I hope I find you all well!

It was a very busy weekend, but the highlight was by far going to the A's game in Oakland on Saturday, the Fourth of July (American Independence Day). I had never been to a baseball game before so it was cool that my boyfriend took me with him and his family.
They all said that they were cursed. Every time one of them brought a girl they were seeing to an A's game, the A's would lose. This is something that went all the way back to my boyfriends grandfather, there was zero hope of ever breaking this curse.
Well, as you may or may not know, the A's won with a final score of 2-0 and it was a great game. I broke the curse, guys! I don't know what that means though... I hope it is a good sign for the relationship and for the A's.
I've come to realize that I love watching baseball, going to the stadium and tailgating and being part of the crowd, the whole experience just can't really be beat. Even though I did walk away with a nasty burn on my face (sadly, it outlines where my sunglasses were...I didn't think that one through XD).

Well I am honestly exhausted and I have a lot of reading and writing to do so I'm going to tackle that now.
Stay beautiful!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Just a Little Rant

Hello everyone I hope that you are all well! I am... yeah, no I am not well at all actually haha

So I've officially overworked myself and am now paying for it royally. These past few days I have had extreme headaches and dizziness and fatigue and the inability to focus. I have almost blacked out a couple of times and I can't listen to anything that is above a certain noise level otherwise my head throbs and my vision will occasionally blur. Sounds like I need to see a doctor right?
Anyway, so I decided to take today and tomorrow to just rest up and relax and catch my breath and I'm not going to go anywhere or do anymore driving. I'm going to be a potato and it will be awesome!

Yeah so thanks for letting me rant out a bit about my body and my own stupidity :)
Have an awesome day
Stay beautiful