Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Basics of Photography? No Thank You!

Hey everyone, I know this isn't my normal blogging day, but I just had to rant this out to someone so it doesn't clutter up my normal Thursday post. I have come to the conclusion that I HATE finals week. Yeah, it's just one week of testing to make sure we passed our classes and ensuring that we paid a little attention, but still. I hate it. And I have it really easy.
I can't imagine how hard this will be next semester when I have four hard classes, I mean, my classes this semester have been super chill. For our English final all I had to do was show up for the final day, hand in my essay and kick it with the rest of the class. That's it. Simple. For my Illustrator final all I did was go in, put my projects onto the main computer, go over what we did in class, get my grade and leave. I think I was in there for three minuets max. Then I went outside and smoked a little, kicking it with my buddies.

My Basics of Photography class? Yeah well that's what I'm stressing over. The teacher gave us a five page front and back study guide that we have to complete. Then we go in on Thursday for our final which is a 200 question test. I have been working on this study guide for days now and I still haven't completed it. I've come to the conclusion that I am going to fail this final because most of the study guide is about things we went over in class, not things that are in the book or in my notes (which I didn't really take, stupid on my part). I have a B in that class right now, barely clinging to that B, so this test will make or break my grade. I would seriously rather not fail my Photo final but some of these questions are ridiculous! One actually asks for the exact type of Photoshop used for the computers in our class. Others are about the photographs we edited and some are just asking what something does
(for example: Filter > Distort > Lens Correction Tool > Vertical Perspective = <does what?> ).
This is ridiculous, seriously not needed stuff. I know there is only one answer to the questions like the one above, but still...it's kinda stupid that he's asking things like that when we didn't really go over any of that. We barely did anything with Photoshop, and when we did, he baby walked us through it. We never kept track of what anything was called or what did what. I just. Grr! I'm really irritated with this and I guess you can all tell. I just have so much "Basics of Photography" stuff crammed into my brain, I think I need a break or something before I over study (if it's not too late for me, that is).

Yeah, so I'll be posting again on Thursday night after my Photo Final. No, I won't be doing the entire post on that stupid test, hopefully, I'll have other things to talk about :) See you guys then!

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