Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Job? And A Gay Guy?? What Have I Been Hiding???

Hey everyone!!! Guess what!!!! So I've been neglecting to tell you all some very BIG BIG BIG news. I start at my new job tomorrow.
WHAT!?! Riku why did you never tell us!!! Is that why you haven't been complaining about applications??? When did this happen!?!?!
Well, my ever faithful followers, I shall explain. . . very quickly because I have even bigger news to tell you all too! Basically, my friend got tired of listening to me bitch and complain about how I can't get a job and no one wants to hire me and finally he says he would see about getting me a job at this company **** (Yeah, you guys don't get to know where I work hahahhaha sorry..) where he works. That's basically it. Kind of a boring story, I know, but still, I has a job now and I has my parents off my back about it and I has an income which means I can save up, buy the truck, be able to afford the gas and insurance, then move out (hopefully) and get on with my life! :D Exciting stuff right?

Now here is where everything just flips upside down and does 8 twists. I'm dating a gay guy. And he is so great.

So that's it for my life hahaha . . . or should I tell you more? I guess I can't leave you hanging, huh? Okay, so he is 19 and he dates guys,  until he started dating me. I'm a girl. But he's not bi. He is just confused, and actually so am I. Our little situation is rather confusing and I honestly don't understand it and yes I know I just got out of a break up, my friends have all been over this with me a million times and I know I shouldn't be in a relationship right now, I need to figure out who I am, what the hell I am doing with my life and blah blah blah blah blah all that fun stuff. But this guy makes me feel happy and isn't that important? I know he likes guys, and I know I generally am into girls more than I am into guys, but for some odd reason I seem to make him happy too. We may not work out and for all I know he'll be back to dating guys again at the end of the month and that's okay. I just want to be around people who make me feel happy, people who I can let loose and just be me, real me, and do whatever the hell feels natural. Be that hitting him because he decided to bite me, or just smoking a cigarette because I felt like it. I can't do that around my friends, I couldn't do that with my ex, I just want to be free right now, even if it is free in a relationship with a gay guy. Yes, I know, it is confusing and I know it's weird, but I like him as his girly, happy go lucky, don't give any fucks, screw the world I'll do whatever the hell I want self. And he likes me for me, whoever I happen to be because hell if I know.

So yes, I start working part time tomorrow and my first official date with the new bf is this weekend sometime, he hasn't told me any details yet. Life is as exciting as ever, and with finals next week, I know things are about to get very complicated and messy. Stay tuned, and I'll post again in a week. Bye!!!

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