Sunday, December 9, 2012

Totally Random

Hey you guys! XD I love that movie, The Goonies, such a great movie. Uhmm...not much to say. My dad came home, he spent the week in New York so I guess it's good to have him home again. Tomorrow he is going to give me Admin control on my laptop so that is exciting. mothers birthday is on Friday, the same day that The Hobbit is released. On Saturday there is a Christmas party for the college group at church, they'll be going to The Hobbit afterwards and I want to go but then again I really love Magic Night. I'll have to think about it. Neither of my parents have said anything about me being kicked out which is odd, dad most likely told mom what happened and she most likely told him not to kick me out at least until after the holidays. fingers are cold hahaha that's about it, not much going on. I want to bike to Demons (see last post) house some time this week, I need air for my bike tires. I have AWANA on Wednesday. I need to get my mom a birthday gift. I just ate pasta. I don't have a favorite color. The walls in my room are painted 'Cranberry Bog' and yes, I did paint them myself, over summer a few years ago, one of my friends came over and helped me. I think ribbons are nice. I want to change the picture I have on here because the vurrent one bothers me and I'm not sure why. Uhmm...that's all I can think to say at the moment so...bye!!

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