Friday, December 14, 2012

My Mothers Birthday and Boyfriends Birthday Isssues

Today was a special day, my mother turned into a senior citizen today. he hates her birthday, which is probably where I get it from, so we try not to make too big of a deal out of it. Well, anyways, so I went out with a few of my girlfriends, spent the day looking around stores for cheap stuff. Found some really cute things, but nothing worth opening my wallet for. Let me tell you, I love shopping, but when I have to spend my own money, I am a penny pincher that would put Mr. Scrooge to shame. The most expensive thing I have ever bought with my own money was a sexy white T shirt that I don't even have anymore, and that shirt was like $15. Such a waste.
Afterwards, we three ended up at the mall, which really doesn't have anything cheap. Needless to say, I went home empty handed hahaha but I did have a lot of fun with the girls, talking about our nerdy boys and what we should get them for Christmas/birthdays. Speaking of which, my boyfriends birthday is comming up and I have no idea what to get him...I need serious ideas you guys. I mean, I don't want to hear "Dress up like a gift and let him unwrap you" (already heard it from the girls), I want really great ideas. I heard about this website, or something like that, I could probably go on there, but what are the chances of me getting something in time for his birthday which is less than two weeks away >.< I'm in trouble....

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