Hello out there, grand world of blog peoples! I am Riku Twisred, and this is my blog. Okay, so I'm not quite sure what will be here, and what to do with this, but here I am and I am ready to get started.
This is, as you can tell, my first blog. I only started a blog, well, because I didn't have one and I like to try new things haha
So, here is how this thing will work, I will try to post on here as much as possible, and as I learn more about this website, I will try to make this website as pretty as possible for you peoples out there, too. Let's try not to get our hopes up too high, hough, because I am technilogically impaired..sorry, but it is true.
Okay now, let's start with a little bit about me. I recently graduated high school, i have no plans for college yet, which is pretty bad considering everything................. ^-^ also, I love music, it makes me so happy, but it depends on my mood, if I listen to the wrong song aaat the wrong time, I will hate the song for a while, but I will eventually get over it..most of the time. Let's see, what else, OH!!!! I am horrible at spelling things, I mean, I have misspelled my own name before, how sad is that? So if you find any spelling errors...well, get over it because I would be happier not knowing that you know that I spelled something wrong haha I have no pets, unless you count siblings, because I come from a large family, four brothers and two sister, happily married parents that have never been divorced or seperated (Yes, they are a little older, but I love them because they have their cute moments).
I guess that is all for now, so......haha, uhmmm..I'm not sure how to end this, should I just say "later folks" or "happy blogging" or what?? UGH!!! Why is this so much harder than I thought it would be? Oh well. Challenge Accepted.
I'm not sure you can count your other "brothers" as family blood related. haha
ReplyDeleteThey are so my family, just like my cousins are still my cousins, even though we are not related by blood. Besides, it isn't like I included my ENTIRE family (yours mine, close friends who even my parents have decided to adopt as their own i.e. Brother Kyle) so don't complain haha I Love You!!!